My #BIGSOUND17 Top 5: Taran Croxton

Alex Afflick
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2017

The next instalment in our Top 5 content series leading up to BIGSOUND is from Taran Croxton of Prysim Music! Even though he’s based just up the road, we actually met while exhibiting at RISE Conference in Hong Kong. Keep reading to see what he’ll be up to next week during the festival!

About Taran.

Taran is the founder of Prysim Music — an online platform that aims to change the way you meet music. Prysim is a one stop shop for connecting independent/unsigned artists and venues, utilising algorithms to propose gig dates and artists to venues. Based on the Sunshine Coast, this tech startup is already making waves in the local music industry!

  1. The VANNS

One of the things I am most looking forward to seeing is The VANNS play — I have always just missed them when up the coast!

Wednesday, 6th September 10.30–11.00pm at The New Globe Theatre

Thursday, 7th September 9.50–10.20pm at The Elephant Hotel

2. BIGSOUND Tech Showcase

Secondly, I am stoked on the BIGSOUND Tech Showcase, I can’t wait to show all what we have been working on!

Wednesday, 6th September 12.00–4.00pm at Cloudland

3. Where You’ll Find Me…

When not at a gig or event, you will be able to find me in between coffee shops checking out all the new ones that have popped up since I last lived in the area.

4. My Greatest Achievement is…

Setting up our PrysimHQ studio and putting through six of the Sunshine Coast’s best artists (that, and what we are preparing to release on!).

5. My Secret Skill is…

I don’t really have any secret skills… I guess they’re so secret I don’t even know them!

Make sure to come see Taran and see what Prysim Music is all about at the Music Tech Showcase next Wednesday from 12.00–4.00pm at Cloudland. You can follow Taran and the team on social media via the links below!

Let’s be social!

