An Invitation To Join Me

AuDHD Dialogues: Positive Conversations.


Welcome to AuDHD Dialogues, where Autism, ADHD, and Positive Psychology meet. Dive into uplifting conversations and insights, forging connections within our diverse community.

This is a brand new publication, and as such I am on the lookout for writers, to help me build a thriving community. I am especially looking for the following submissions:

Personal Stories and Experiences: Invite individuals with autism and/or ADHD to share their personal stories and experiences. These could range from everyday struggles to triumphs, offering readers insight into the lived experiences of those with these conditions.

Intersectionality: Explore the intersectionality of autism and ADHD with other aspects of identity such as race, gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic status. This could include interviews, essays, and profiles highlighting the unique experiences of individuals at these intersections.

Creative Expressions: Showcase art, poetry, music, and other forms of creative expression by individuals with autism and ADHD. This can provide a platform for neurodiverse artists to share their work and perspectives with a wider audience.

Practical Tips and Advice: Provide practical tips and advice for managing traits and navigating daily life with autism and ADHD. This could include strategies for organization, time management, sensory sensitivity, social interactions, and more.

Research and Insights: Share the latest research findings and insights related to autism and ADHD. This could include summaries of scientific studies, interviews with researchers, and discussions about emerging trends and treatments in the field.

Community Building: Foster a sense of community among readers and writers who have Autism and/or ADHD.

Guest Contributions: Including guest contributors, neurodiverse advocates, professionals, educators, and allies, to share their perspectives and expertise on topics related to Autism and ADHD.

Book and Media Reviews: Review books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and other media that feature characters with autism and/or ADHD or explore themes related to neurodiversity. This can help readers discover new content and spark discussions about representation in media.



Danielle Dryden
AuDHD Dialogues: Positive Conversations

I write about Autism, ADHD & AuDHD: On Having a Career with AuDHD, on being a parent of AuDHD, On being late diagnosed with AuDHD. A Neurodiversity Advocate