Loading list item at top of listview without losing scroll position

It seemed very easy for me when I started doing it. But later I realised it is no more easy. Adding an item in listview is an ordinary process but keeping the scroll position is a challenge. I did a small research on this but could not find any thing useful. Until I encountered this SO post. It directed me to this amazing link of Chris banes. The following video shows the required final output I achieved.


Whenever we add an item and call


it refresh the listview with new items and hence we lose our current scroll position.


While adding new item into a listview, inorder to stop flicking scroll position we need to block laying out children layout of listview. This can be achieved by creating a custom listview.

public class StoryListView extends ListView {
private boolean blockLayoutChildren;

public StoryListView(Context context) {

public StoryListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

public void setBlockLayoutChildren(boolean blockLayoutChildren) {
this.blockLayoutChildren = blockLayoutChildren;

protected void layoutChildren() {
if (!blockLayoutChildren) {

All we need is to set and unset


boolean while adding an item.

// get first visible position of the list view
int firstVisPos = listView.getFirstVisiblePosition();
// get child view at visible 0th position of the listview
View firstVisView = listView.getChildAt(0);
// set top in pixel of the child view
int top = firstVisView != null ? firstVisView.getTop() : 0;
// block from laying child layout
// add new item to the collection
items.add(0, “New Story “ + count++);
// no. of items added in list before firstVisible item — it is ‘1’ in our case
int itemsAddedBeforeFirstVisible = 1;
// notify the adapter
// un block from laying child layout
// finally set item selection
listView.setSelectionFromTop(firstVisPos + itemsAddedBeforeFirstVisible, top);
} else {
listView.setSelection(firstVisPos + itemsAddedBeforeFirstVisible);

Code above is self explanatory. The full source code is available in GitHub.

Happy Coding!

