14 Funny Ice Breaker Poll Questions to make your Presentations Memorable

Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2020
Presenter breaking the ice

“A good laugh makes any interview or any conversation, so much better.” — Barbara Walters

Well, Barbara is right!

Humor has been and will always be the most effective interactive tool for a presenter but that doesn’t mean that you start your presentation with a stand-up comedy routine. For one thing, if your audience does not get the punch line, your presentation is going to take the awkward lane and might derail.

There are a few things that you can do to avoid this and yet keep your audience alert and on their toes during your presentation. Telling a humorous quote, story, or a visual also works great. You can also use polls as a humorous prop for your presentation to break the ice.

This not only enlivens your audience but also gains a useful perspective which helps in tweaking your session. Try to use the poll questions that are relevant to your presentation topic

So, here are some helpful and much-useful funny poll ideas and questions to break the ice. Check out this article for Informational Poll Questions

1. What did you love sharing when you were a kid?
a. Homework
b. Yuck flavors of Ice Cream
c. Weird bubble gums
d. Beets, Carrots & Greens

2. If you want to pick a name for yourself what would that be?
a. My new name would be __________
b. I am happy with my name
c. Can’t think of a new name

3. What chore do you like to share with your spouse?
a. Watching over kids
b. Feeding the kids
c. Cooking & Cleaning
d. Only cooking
e. Only cleaning

5. Which is the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
a. Crop
b. Bowl cut
c. Buzz cut
d. Bangs
e. Cornrows
f. Mohawk
g. Other
h. I’ve never had a bad haircut!

6. Have you ever…?
a. Rung someone’s doorbell and ran away?
b. Peed in the swimming pool?
c. Denied having gotten a message or an e-mail?
d. Told a lie to get out of an office event?
e. All of the above

7. What’s the most literary book you have read?
a. Amish
b. Chetan Bhagat
c. Marvel Comics
d. Supandi
e. School Diary

13. What’s the one thing that you can give up to please your wife or girlfriend?
a. Cigarette/Cigars….
b. Alcohol
c. Annoying relatives
d. Domineering parents
e. The entire world
f. Past girlfriends
g. All of the above
h. None of the above. Specify _________

14. If you were asked to learn a new language what would it be?
a. Vulcan
b. Dothraki
c. Girlfriend’s mother tongue
d. Wife’s mother tongue
e. American English
f. All of the above
g. None of the above. Specify _________

If you’re going to be hosting a session or a presentation, it’s obvious to be worried about whether you will possibly bore your audience. The best way to get the audience interested, let them be engaged, and make them enjoy more is via excellent interactions especially with humor as it sets the mood for the session and even if your subject is pretty serious, funny poll questions like the ones given above can help lighten it.

Using Audiencly’s interactive tools, you can add polls, surveys, ratings get a response from your viewers. Make your presentations memorable and wildly interactive. Click here to try Audiencly for free.

Originally published at https://audiencly.io.




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