Real time plot audio wave by speaking to the microphone by MATLAB

Tutorial #2

Audio Processing by MATLAB
Mar 31, 2019


Download Source Code (Time domain)

  • It’s the same with the above video
  • (Free P code) Download for MATLAB
  • (M file) Donate 10 USD

Download Source Code (Spectrogram)

  • Real time show spectrogram through microphone
  • (M file) Donate 20 USD


  1. Use our microphone to record speech
  2. Real time plot the signal in the figure


  • Required Input Parameters


Start the system by sample rate 16k and show 5 seconds signal.

Stop the system.

Get the record speech, plot and play it.

👉 Tutorial Outline 👈



Audio Processing by MATLAB

A diverse software developer, focus on Audio Processing, Deep learning and Blockchain.