Top 5 Surround Sound Video Games

Audio Royale
Audio Royale
Published in
5 min readOct 20, 2020

Though Audio Royale is custom-tuned for battle royale games, the fun doesn’t stop there. These top five surround sound video games all feature amazing foley, soundtracks, and distinct gameplay styles. Not certain surround sound is for you? Try these games out, and grab a free trial of Audio Royale while you’re at it. Experiment with other games to learn what settings and profiles work best with your ears. You’ll be amazed by what you hear — we mean it!

Battlefield 1

The latest installment of the legendary Battlefield series is not-to-be-missed. The distinctive single-player campaign from the first-person shooter franchise looks and feels spectacular. Set in World War I, the game features antiquated weapons, tanks, and fighter planes. There are plenty of opportunities for surround sound here. With the right setup, you can take to the skies and listen closely for enemy fire with pinpoint accuracy.

With surround sound, make sure to try out multiplayer mode. The maps are huge and surprises lurk around every corner. If you’re still craving some battle-royale action, check out the Operations mode. You and 64 other players will fight to achieve victory across multiple maps and missions can last as long as an hour. It’s a huge upgrade from Battlefield 4, and earns a definite place on our list as a solid surround sound video game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Like 2007’s Modern Warfare, the most recent MW is a fantastic hodgepodge of war-themed video-game references old and new. A fast-paced, varied, and cinematic single-player campaign awaits long-time fans, while the new multiplayer modes and difficulty styles offer ample variations on gameplay. There’s even a distinct “Realism” mode, which does away with the heads-up-display altogether, meaning you must rely only on only your ears and eyes to carry you to victory.

Video-games are a feast for the eyes and ears, and Modern Warfare has spared no expense at making sure the sound is crisp and clean at crucial moments–whether you’re escaping enemy fire, or making sure that your shots hit. If you haven’t already, check out our guide on Warzone to learn more about how to surround sound for an in-game advantage.

Borderlands 3

Borderlands is a post-apocalyptic FPS with a big heart. At times sad, funny, and always engaging, Borderlands’ gameplay, soundtrack, and cutscenes are a huge step up from other rivals in its genre. No purchasing loot crates, passes, or boxes. Even without a main PVP mode, it’s managed to stay at the top of our watchlist since its debut. Unlike the other games on this list, you won’t find a grand battle royale, but an amazing story mode that supports single-player and co-op — chock-full of side missions.

In a world of countless upgrades, pay-to-play, and season releases, it is nice to see a video-game going against the odds and embracing a more democratic approach toward marketing their games.

Grand Theft Auto V

Three letters: GTA. How can we make a round-up list without featuring this titan? If you can, just forget the amazing online community and gameplay. Remember the story: Michael; Trevor; Franklin. Three names that will live forever in infamy. Between the stellar music selection, hyper-realistic sound effects, and five-star gameplay, GTA V is a game that is 100% better with surround sound. Not only does it offer an advantage in online competitive play, but it also enriches the story-mode experience, making it more cinematic overall.

If you’re a hardcore GTA fanatic, we recommend checking out the surround sound technologies you have available to improve your set up ASAP. It’ll at least help kill some time until the next Grand Theft Auto comes out (fingers crossed!).


Developed by Blizzard, this team-based shooter has something for new and veteran gamers alike. With a cast of diverse heroes, weapons, and armor, the action in this game feels polished. The matches are incredibly fast-paced, fun, and gunfire-soaked. The game maps are mazes (in the best way), and you can play in vertical spaces quite often. In a six-versus-six game-mode, you need every advantage that you can get.

Much of your success in Overwatch relies on how well you can hide and make the right shot. That, and how you harness your hero’s ability. In the game, there’s no character progression. That means that everyone plays at the same level, so maintaining an in-game advantage whenever you can is crucial. With the release of the new Overwatch 2, we’re hoping to see more of the game in the eSports spaces.

Any other games that you’d add to this list? Something you think we missed? Let us know in the comments. And if you don’t have a surround sound setup to take these games to their limit, download a free trial of Audio Royale today.



Audio Royale
Audio Royale

The world’s first PC sound driver tuned specially for battle-royale style games.