The SciFi Book Adaptions We* Most Want to See on the Big Screen
4 min readMay 14, 2020

I could spend everyday watching SciFi movies (and have spent more than a few doing just that during this quarantine). But like many fans of Science Fiction, I’ve run out. I’ve made it through all the Top SciFi Films of All Times lists, 40 Sci-Fi Movies of the 21st Century, Wired’s Sci-Fi Movies Everyone Needs to Watch and finally to lists like, The 20 Most Underrated Science Fiction Movies and The Best Sci-Fi Movies that Most People Haven’t Seen. But I want more.

Most SciFi fans are happy to get our fix in any format we can. We spend our time reading, playing video and board games and even acting out our fantasies cos-playing our favorite characters and stories but nothing compares to bringing it all to life on the big screen.

After exhaustive research conducting polls, questionnaires and asking as many SciFi fans as possible I have come up with a list of books that we (the SciFi community) most want to see turned into movies or re-adapted after a lackluster first attempt (looking at you, “The Congress”). If you can add anything or have suggestions please let me know, now onto the list!

1. Robert A. Heinlein’s “Future History” mini-series:

• Season 1 — The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
• Season 2 — Stranger in a Strange Land
• Season 3 — Have Space Suit, Will Travel (Attach James Purdum)
• Season 4 — Methuselah’s Children
• Season 5 — If this Goes On
• Season 6 — Starship Troopers
• Season 7 — The Gay Deceiver, a combination of plots from The Number of the Beast, The Cat Who Walks Through Wall and To Sail Beyond Sunset. An all star series finale of characters from the previous seasons. (Attach Charlie Brooker)

2. The Machine Stops — E.M. Forester (Attach Rian Johnson)
3. Mars Trilogy — Kim Stanley Robinson
4. Sleeping Giants — Sylvain Neuvel (Neill Blomkamp)
5. Snow Crash — Neal Stephenson
6. The Forever War — Joe Haldeman
7. The Lensman series — Doc E.E. Smith
8. Borne — Jeff VanderMeer
9. A Canticle for Leibowitz — Walter M. Miller Jr.
10. The Futurological Congress — Stansislaw Lem
11. The Stars My Destination — Alfred Bester (Attach Paul Verhoeven)
12. The Demolished Man — Alfred Bester
13. Station Eleven: A Novel — Emily St. John Mandel
14. Blue Screen — Kyle Benzle
15. The Day Of The Triffids — John Wyndham
16. All the Birds in the Sky — Charlie Jane Anders
17. Downbelow Station — C. J. Cherryh
18. Cyteen — C. J. Cherryh
19. The Peripheral — William Gibson
20. Infomocracy — Malka Older
21. The Diamond Age — Neal Stephenson
22. Rainbows End — Vernor Vinge
23. Hardwired — Walter Jon Williamson
24. Halting State or Glass House — Charles Stross
25. Player of Games — Ian M Banks
26. Inversions — Ian M. Banks
27. Heavy Weather — Bruce Sterling
28. Out On Blue Six — Ian McDonald
29. Rendezvous with Rama — Arthur C. Clarke (Attach Denis Villeneuve or Alex Garland)
30. Ringworld — Larry Niven
31. Timescape — Gregory Benford
32. Hard Boiled Wonderland and The End of the World — Haruki Murakami
33. The Forever War — Joe Haldeman
34. The Dispossessed — Ursula K Le Guin (Attach Bong Joon-ho)
35. Stainless Steel Rat — Harry Harrison
36. The Three Body Problem — Liu Cixin
37. The Long Run — Daniel Keyes Moran
38. A Maze of Death — Philip K. Dick
39. The Carpet Makers — Andreas Eschbach
40. Perdido Street Station — China Miéville
41. Kraken — China Miéville
42. The Interdependency Trilogy — John Scalzi
43. The Wall — John Lanchester
44. Ventus — Karl Schroeder
45. The Company of Time Saga — Kage Baker
46. United States of Japan — Peter Tyerias
47. The Foundation — Isaac Asimov
48. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet — Becky Chambers
49. Otherland Series — Tad Williams
50. BLINDSIGHT — Peter Watts

Thanks for reading. To vote on and see more of the top SciFi books check out us out at


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