Audiomack Launches Comments

Everything you need to know about commenting and how to use comments to your advantage as an artist or fan.

Brendan Varan
The Audiomack Blog
3 min readJul 29, 2019


It’s a big day at Audiomack. Not only because I told Burna Boy that his new album African Giant was fire, but simply because I now have the ability to tell Burna Boy that his new album African Giant is fire.

In other words, any Audiomack user now has the ability to comment on any song, album, or playlist.

Go ahead, give it a shot.

Why Comments Matter

To Artists: Show your fans that you are engaged. Reading the comments on your music is a great first step and helps you understand what listeners are responding to, but actually leaving comments of your own is where you’ll find the most benefits with our new feature.

Few things are more important to an artist than establishing a direct, one-to-one relationship with your fans. By remaining active in comments, you’re proving to listeners that you are aware of their existence, that you care about their feedback, and that the relationship is a two-way street.

Comments are an easy way to bond with your listeners:

  • Respond to questions (ex: “is this the album or a mixtape?”, “who is the singer on track 3?”). The person who asked the question will get a notification that you responded, and it will make their entire day to know that their favorite artist cared enough to answer. Fans want to follow actual people, not just music. Let your fans know who you are, what you like, and what makes you you. Be more like Tyler, The Creator on Formspring circa 2010 and less like the artist who is too cool to talk to their fans.
  • Ask questions of your own (ex: “who is ready for the EP to drop?”, “should i release new freestyles each week?”). Get feedback about your new music easily and instantly.
  • Above all, ACTIVATE THE HIVE (ex: “everybody drop a 🔥 in the comments, once we hit 500 comments I’ll drop the project!!”, “3000 favorites and i’ll release merch”). Turn your fanbase into an army and use it to your advantage.

To Fans: Artists want to know what you think about their music, so tell them.

  • Loving a song? Tell the artist and you might get something similar in the future.
  • Hating a song? Be nice about it, but tell them what specifically you don’t like. Nobody learns what’s not to like from seeing a trash emoji.

To Curators: Playlists have comments too! Ask your listeners what artists people what to hear more of, and what kind of artists everyone is skipping.

How Do I Comment?

First, you’ll need to download the latest app update (4.9).

On the App: Go to any song, album, or playlist and click the Comment button or check the player to bring up a list of all existing comments and write your own.

On Desktop: Scroll down past any song, album, or playlist tracklist to find and leave comments.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Yes, there are a few rules. Yes, they will make comments a great update for everyone.

  • No spam: Links don’t work here and no one wants to know how you managed to make $27/hour working from home.
  • Comments aren’t for pushing your music: Believe me when I say that absolutely no one in the world is going to be listening to Nicki Minaj’s new freestyle, see your comment that says “check me out i’m an up and coming rapper who just released my new mixtape,” copy and paste the link to your project (because links don’t work here), listen to it, and become your biggest fan. Unless you’re commenting on your own song, don’t promote your own music.
  • Don’t be an asshole: If you’re racist, misogynistic, offensive, or a jerk, you’ll lose commenting privileges.

This is your community. Make it a nice place to be.

Now that you know what’s up, go comment on your favorite song right now.

