How to Pitch Your Music for Trending & Playlists

A quick guide to pitching us your music.

Brendan Varan
The Audiomack Blog
3 min readAug 29, 2019


If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already done the hard part as an artist: creating and releasing music.

But what do you do after you’ve uploaded your song to Audiomack?

We want to hear it. By “we” I mean the team of expert curators here at Audiomack, and by “hear it,” I mean we want to smash that mf play button and figure out if it’s good (and whether our audience would want to discover it).

If it’s good (or great, hopefully), we might just place it in our trending sections and/or add it to one of our curated playlists.

How to Pitch Audiomack Your Music

Pitching Audiomack for trending and playlist consideration is easy. Just copy your Audiomack link (this is important—if we don’t have the link there’s nothing we can do) and paste it into an email. Below are all of our submission emails for both trending and playlist pitches. Also, while we only need the link, a quick note about the song or yourself (or both) will only help your chances of success.

NOTE: Pitching does not guarantee that a submission will be trended or added to a playlist.

Pitching for Trending Consideration

Artists can pitch songs, albums, and podcasts for possible trending placement on Audiomack. All trending submissions must be new releases only. This means anything from the last month. We will know that you sent us a song from six months ago, and we will not be trending it.

Also, only one trending submission may be sent at a time. Spamming the trending submission email will only guarantee that your music will not be trended, and we will also probably dislike you. And do not package up your entire discography in an email hoping we’ll dedicate the entire homepage to your illustrious works. That won’t happen.

Trending pitches can be sent to: (hip-hop/rap, R&B, electronic, pop, podcasts, and any genre not specified on a below email) (reggae, dancehall) (Afrobeats) (Latin)

Pitching for Playlist Consideration

Artists can pitch songs (no albums) for playlist consideration, though multiple song pitches can be made at once. There is also no date restriction for playlist pitches.

All playlist pitches can be sent to

The most important thing to remember for playlist pitching is that you should know what playlist you want to be on! The more specific you are, the better your chances. For example:

-If you are a lyrical rapper who made a lyrical song, pitch for The Art of Bars.

-If you are a rising Afrobeats artist, pitch for #OnTheRadar: Afrobeats.

-If you are a deep house producer that just cranked out the banger of your life, pitch for Turnt.

It’s fine to pitch a few songs at a time so long as each is aimed at a specific playlist. An example email setup would be:

[name of playlist 1]

(link for song for playlist 1)

[name of playlist 2]

(link for song for playlist 2)

You get the point.

Pitching Playlists (for Curators)

Curators, you can pitch us too! Send your curated playlists to for us to consider spotlighting them in one of our Featured slots and/or our Curator Spotlight playlist section.

My Music Was Trended! Now What?

Congratulations. Now read this: Your Music Is Trending—Now What?

