Stems for Wind Instruments

AudioShake launches stem support for wind instruments, tackling an industry-wide challenge of isolating these complex tones.

1 min readJun 13, 2023


Winds have long stumped source separation tools because of their large range of expressions. For example, the playing techniques on a saxophone generate sounds that require audio models with specifically tuned analysis and synthesis modules. Our AI has spent hours studying different wind instruments and complex compositions to identify the key characteristics that distinguish winds from other stems. Winds will give us the ability to expand our work in jazz and partner with new and existing AudioShake users on more creative projects.

Read the full blog post on AudioShake →

AudioShake regularly works with labels, producers, publishers, and more to help open up songs to new possibilities. Any individuals or organizations looking to create stems with our AI can sign up at or contact us directly at




AudioShake is helping power the next wave of music, film, and content experiences by making audio interactive, customizable, and accessible.