Uniswap V1 to V3, a table

Peteris Erins
2 min readJun 18, 2021


The V2 to V3 jump in Uniswap has opened up liquidity providers to more choices. These choices in turn create opportunities for active strategy managers.

Projects like Visor, Charm, Lixir and others are looking to manage liquidity on behalf of users, hoping to retain the ergonomics of V1 and V2 while taking advantage of the profitability of V3.

In this article, we look at Uniswap development from V1 to V3 with an eye towards highlighting the additional flexibility offered to users.

Uniswap V1 to V3

Here are the different categories explained:

  • Liquidity — which token pairs can be traded
  • Order types — financial orders supported
  • Liquidity tokens — token standard applicable to liquidity tokens
  • Market maker function — what market maker function governs prices
  • Fees — what fees are collected by LPs and the protocol
  • Price oracles — does the protocol provide a price oracle
  • Other features — miscellaneous features
  • Liquidity migration — where can existing liquidity be migrated from
  • Technical features — specific technical features with minimal user benefits
  • Language — base programming language used for the protocol


Uniswap V1 Docs https://uniswap.org/docs/v1
Uniswap V2 Docs https://uniswap.org/docs/v2
Uniswap V3 Docs https://docs.uniswap.org/

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Peteris Erins

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