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A blog about audit technology and the people behind it
Will the Dynamic Audit Solution work?
Will the Dynamic Audit Solution work?
Will the AICPA announcing the DAS, or dynamic audit solution, work?
Solon Angel
Dec 8, 2020
A better approach to journal entry testing: Audit analytics automation with Artificial Intelligence
A better approach to journal entry testing: Audit analytics automation with Artificial Intelligence
Internet companies have been driven by data for decades. For instance, Amazon was using basic AI systems over 20 years ago. Netflix…
Solon Angel
Jul 24, 2020
The future of accounting with Artificial Intelligence
I think it’s fair to say that AI will not to replace all human accountants or bookkeepers.
Solon Angel
Aug 13, 2018
Why MindBridge.
Why MindBridge.
As I was walking downtown Manhattan on a rainy March day, that also happened to coincide with the 2nd anniversary of MindBridge AI, a sad…
Solon Angel
Jun 24, 2017
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