How to write a short description for google play? (description examples)

Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

In this article we will go over:

  • What should you do with a short description
  • Best practices & short description examples
  • How to write better

Let’s get started!

A short description has two main purposes:

  1. Help you rank
  2. Present information in a favorable way

Help you rank

A short description is one of the best places to add relevant keywords.

Keywords are words and phrases people use to find companies/apps.

Present information in a favorable way

  • Make it easy to understand
  • Show benefits of using your app

1.0 Make it easy to understand

People prefer information presented in an easy-to-understand way.

We trust things we understand.

This is called cognitive ease.

2.0 Show benefits of using your app

It all starts with understanding better your users:

  • Who they are
  • What do they know
  • What do they want to achieve
  • What words do they use
  • What are concerns do they have

You can find this information by talking to users and/or reading reviews.

Why do you need to use words they use?
People prefer familiar words.

By showing you an understanding of them and their problems they will think:
This person really gets me and what I need.

(More applicable for screenshots)

Learning more about customers/users always precedes writing.

Features and Benefits

Features explain what your app does/is and the benefits are outcomes users can achieve by using your app.

They explain how your app can make their life better.


Save time on every drive. Waze tells you about traffic, police, crashes & more
Save time on every drive. Waze tells you about traffic, police, crashes & more

Users might not understand how some features can help them. Using benefits makes it obvious.

How do I come up with benefits?

Waze tells you about traffic, police, crashes

Now ask yourself: So what?

  • It will save you time
  • Help you organize better
  • Less stress

Or you can just read reviews.

  • Put most important words at beginning and end.

What others do with their short descriptions.

Some apps keyword stuff their short description. This is either a smart thing or an extremely dumb thing.

Because Google doesn’t like the practice of keyword stuffing.

Safe, incognito internet browser! Fast, private search engine & pop-up blocker.
Safe, incognito internet browser! Fast, private search engine & pop-up blocker.

Short description examples (Best Practices)

Join the millions discovering the life-changing benefits of meditation with Calm
Join the millions discovering the life-changing benefits of meditation with Calm

Calm starts with social proof. (Join the millions)

What are the life-changing benefits of meditation? It sounds like clickbait. But it made me read screenshots for more information.

Save time on every drive. Waze tells you about traffic, police, crashes & more

They start with the benefit of using Waze. What Waze does and how it helps you save time. I like it.

Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid.

Straightforward, simple, easy to understand. They also tell you for whom is the app.

Writing advice

Set a 10-minute timer and just write,

  • Don’t stop
  • Don’t edit
  • Write as fast as you can
  • Focus on getting ideas down

It should look terrible. That is fine.

Now give it time.

A couple of hours. Go do something else.

Something that doesn’t require you to think much.

Now you can edit.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to ASO, short description impacts both visibility(with keywords) and conversion.

Today we focused more on conversion.

  • By making it easier for people to understand what your app does/is (Features)
  • Showing how your app can make users' lives better (Benefits)



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A graphic designer helping android developers get more downloads.