What are the best ads for marketing apps/games?

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3 min readAug 28, 2021

When it comes to marketing apps/games the often asked question is: What ads are the best?

And in most cases, the answer is Google Play search ads.

Let’s see what makes these ads so good. But also understand better why you might run ads.

Here are some examples of Google Play search ads:

Background Image by sunnie

Why run ads?

Most people get this wrong.

And that is bad because:

  • They waste money on ads
  • They make things worse

Later you will learn how running ads can make things worse.

You are not running ads to just get downloads.

You are running ads to find people who would enjoy using your app/game. You are running ads to show the Google Play algorithm that you have a good app/game.

And you are doing all this because Google Play has the ability to show and promote your app/game. To help you get more organic(free) downloads.

Running ads 🡲 To find the right people 🡲 For them to use and enjoy your app/game 🡲 For Google Play to promote your app/game 🡲 For you to get more free downloads.

How can Google Play “promote” your app/game?
By giving you a higher ranking in search. The higher in the search you are the more organic(free) downloads you will get. Because your app/game becomes visible to more people.

What do you need to do before you run Google Play search ads?

Find the right keywords. (Keyword optimization)

Keywords are words and phrases people use to find companies/games/apps. (Think: Podcast, Audiobooks)

By incorporating keywords into your app's name, short & long description, etc… you are telling Google Play you want to be shown when people search for these keywords.

In order for the right people to find your app/game, you need to use the right keywords.

But what if I use “wrong/bad” keywords?

  • You will pay more for downloads
  • Get fewer downloads
  • Possibly “convert” wrong people

Let’s talk about this last one. What if you “convert” wrong people, what if wrong people download your app/game.

This will make it harder for you to get these organic(free) downloads. It might also lose you some downloads.

Because to determine how good your app/game is. Google Play looks at the interaction people have with your app/game. And wrong people will have a worse interaction than ideal users/customers of your app/game.

That is why finding the right keywords for your app/game is important.

How do you find the right keywords for your app? Maybe I should write some basic guide? What do you think?

Name & Icon

You also need to have a good app name & icon because of brand recognition.
I explained here how and why this works. (Visibility section)

And here you can learn how to choose a good app name.

Why Google Play search ads?

Because they are:

  • Simple and easy. (Fewer things can go wrong)
  • People already have a need/want for your app/game.
  • They are representative of the type of users will get with organic
    (free) downloads.

The quality of users is extremely important and Google Play search ads are one of the easiest ways to attract quality users.

When not to run Google Play search ads?

If you think people won’t search for your app/game. Google Play search ads can be a bad fit.

You also might run ads to test your app/game.

Thank you for reading, I hope you learned something new and useful.




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A graphic designer helping android developers get more downloads.