How author can get benefit publishing books from augmented reality

gaurav goyal
Augmented Reality India
3 min readJan 13, 2017

Any key feature that engages readers is what works for an author and a book publisher around the globe. And with AR technology promising immersive experiences in all most all domains, the same wonder works for the publishers too.

AR technology when employed in the right sense and right direction can bring immense fortune and opportunities to otherwise dwindling popularity of books esp. among the younger generation. With toddlers of today’s digital era learning to swipe through the smart devices even before they speak, giving a digital edge to the book publishing arena is not a matter of choice rather it is the need of an hour.

Carl Reiner, a Hollywood legend and a publisher of children’s book believe, ‘AR is about complementing the printed products’. augmented reality, when employed with publishing, assures a highly interactive and immersive experience for the readers. It adds digital entertainment elements that retain the interest of the readers for a prolonged duration. The digital augmentations to the printed books can be beneficial for the authors in a number of ways listed below:

  • AR can help boost a number of younger readers:

Something that can excite the children in a manner as TV and cartoons shows do is what we call AR employed books. Yes, with some famed AR technology embedded books like Wonder book, Moby Dick and much more having created a trail of success and skyrocket demand in the market, the fact that digital content engages children holds true. By virtue of augmented reality print, the authors gain the power to open a new world of imagination and fascination for the readers, leaving them highly engrossed within the pages of the book. The pop-up books in the past have not only enticed the children but to mention we got equally excited while flipping through the pages. AR employed book is just a step ahead of it with the characters coming to life and narrating their own story or else creating an interactive platform that captivates the readers.

  • AR helps get your book titled as best-seller by adding value for the readers:

Best-sellers are the books that get massive viral among the people by word of mouth publicity or by any means of marketing. What holds true for each of the best-seller books is the added value that they offer to the customers. With digital supplementing of the printed books, the outcome goes exceptionally well with both the fiction and non-fiction books.

  • AR supports your marketing campaign by adding innovative elements:

With giants like McDonald’s, Lego, IKEA having employed AR technology in the right manner for scaling their sales, the same mantra works for the publishing companies too. Having a marketing campaign with all elements linked together in a digital way can allure customers in large number. Think of a digital book showcased on a large screen in a mall, the lead character popping out narrating a glimpse of abstract, is what the future holds for the publishing agencies with AR in hands.

AR technology still an unripe technology in publishing has a wide array of opportunities to be tapped at right time and the right place. The future of AR technology relies much on supportive applications and hardware that help realize its potential optimally. However, with some renowned apps like Yeppar in place, the scope for a revolution in printing holds no limits rather imagination is the only limitation.

Yeppar India’s first general purpose augmented reality startups company. Augmenting your imaginations with realities. The future is here!

