Mistral Large 2: A Deep Dive into the Latest AI Model

Ritesh Kanjee
Augmented AI
Published in
4 min read3 days ago

Hey, what’s up guys, Ritz here. Today, we’re diving into the latest developments in the world of AI, specifically focusing on a new model that’s been making waves: Mistral Large 2. This model is designed to tackle coding tasks and enhance instruction-following capabilities, and I think it’s worth breaking down what that really means for users and developers alike.

Mistral Large 2
Mistral Large 2 competing with the big boys!

The Coding Powerhouse

First off, let’s talk about coding. Mistral Large 2 has been trained on vast amounts of code, which allows it to generate code across more than 80 programming languages. That’s pretty impressive. We’re talking about languages like Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and even Bash. If you’re a developer, you know how critical it is to have a tool that can not only generate accurate code but also adapt to various programming languages seamlessly.

Mistral Large 2 benchmarks

When we look at its performance metrics, Mistral Large 2 has shown a high level of accuracy, particularly on benchmarks like MultiPL-E. It’s outperformed competitors like Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Claude 3 Opus in code generation tasks, only trailing behind GPT-4o. This suggests that if you’re looking for a reliable coding assistant, Mistral Large 2 might be a solid option.

Instruction Following and Transparency

Now, let’s shift gears to instruction-following. One of the standout features of Mistral Large 2 is its improved ability to follow user guidelines. In a world where clarity and precision are key, this model has been fine-tuned to minimize hallucinations. That means if it doesn’t have enough information to provide a solid answer, it will let you know instead of fabricating something. This level of transparency can be crucial, especially in enterprise settings where accuracy is non-negotiable.

The model’s capability to handle long multi-turn conversations is also noteworthy. It’s designed to provide succinct and relevant answers, which can save time and improve productivity. For businesses that rely on AI for customer service or technical support, this could lead to a better overall experience.

Multimodal Capabilities

Another area where Mistral Large 2 is making strides is in its multimodal capabilities. While it may not be as advanced as some of its competitors, it’s still a step in the right direction. The ability to process both text and images simultaneously opens up new possibilities for applications in various fields, from education to content creation.

Token Window and Multilingual Support

Let’s not forget about the model’s impressive token window of 128,000 tokens. That’s equivalent to about a 300-page book. For those who work with large datasets or complex prompts, this feature allows for a more comprehensive understanding of context. You can feed it a substantial amount of information in one go, which is a huge advantage for developers and researchers.

On top of that, Mistral Large 2 boasts improved multilingual support. It understands a range of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. This is particularly beneficial for global teams or projects that require a diverse linguistic approach.

Conciseness in Responses

One of the claims made by Mistral is that it produces more concise responses compared to other leading AI models. In a landscape where verbosity can often cloud communication, this is a refreshing change. Users generally appreciate clear and to-the-point answers, especially when they’re trying to solve specific problems or gather information quickly.

Accessibility and Platforms

As for accessibility, Mistral Large 2 is available through various platforms, including Google Vertex AI, Amazon Bedrock, Azure AI Studio, and IBM WatsonX. You can also test it out for free on Mistral’s own La Platforme, which is a great way to get a feel for its capabilities without any commitment.


In conclusion, Mistral Large 2 is shaping up to be a formidable player in the AI landscape. With its strong coding capabilities, improved instruction-following, and focus on transparency, it’s designed to meet the needs of both developers and enterprises. The multimodal capabilities and extensive language support further enhance its appeal.

As always, the true test will be how well it performs in real-world applications. For developers looking for a reliable coding assistant or businesses seeking an AI that can handle customer interactions effectively, Mistral Large 2 seems like a model worth considering.

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Ritesh Kanjee
Augmented AI

CEO Augmented Startups — M(Eng) Electronic Engineer, YouTuber 100'000+ Subscribers.