OpenAI’s SearchGPT — Will This Be a Perplexity Clone?

Ritesh Kanjee
Augmented AI
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2024

Hey, what’s up guys, Ritz here. Today, we’re diving into the latest news from OpenAI, specifically their new search engine, SearchGPT. With AI becoming an increasingly competitive space, it’s crucial to understand what this means for users and how it stacks up against existing tools like Perplexity AI. So, let’s break it down.

What is SearchGPT?

OpenAI has officially announced SearchGPT, a prototype search engine that aims to rival established players like Google. The goal here is to enhance the search experience by integrating AI in a way that provides users with more relevant and timely information. Unlike traditional search engines, SearchGPT is designed to serve up answers that are not only accurate but also contextually rich, allowing for follow-up queries that maintain the thread of conversation.

OpenAI's SearchGPT
Ooh look its Perplexity, oops I meant OpenAI SearchGPT!

Now, you might be wondering how this differs from simply asking ChatGPT a question. Well, the key difference lies in the search functionality. SearchGPT is built to provide links to sources, ensuring that the information is not just accurate but also verifiable. This is a significant step forward, especially in an era where misinformation can spread like wildfire.

The Competition: Perplexity AI

So, how does SearchGPT compare to Perplexity AI? Perplexity has carved out a niche for itself as a conversational search engine that offers relevant descriptions and citations for every query. It’s a solid tool for research and quick information retrieval. However, the question remains: will SearchGPT simply be a clone of Perplexity, or will it bring something new to the table?

Perplexity is feeling a tad bit annoyed now with OpenAI SearchGPT

While both tools leverage AI to enhance search capabilities, SearchGPT seems to be positioning itself as more than just a chatbot with search capabilities. OpenAI is focusing on creating a more interactive and engaging user experience. The idea is to highlight high-quality content in a conversational format, which could potentially lead to a more satisfying search experience.

User Experience and Interface

From what we’ve seen in demos, the interface of SearchGPT is visually appealing and designed for engagement. It’s not just about getting answers; it’s about how those answers are presented. The visual elements are crucial here, as they can help users digest information more easily. This is something that traditional search engines often overlook.

Moreover, OpenAI is actively seeking user feedback to refine SearchGPT. This iterative approach could lead to a more polished product that genuinely meets user needs. It’s a smart move, especially in a landscape where user experience can make or break a tool.

The Implications for Content Creators

One of the more controversial aspects of SearchGPT is its policy change regarding content creators. OpenAI has de-linked any publisher or creator’s contribution to training its models, which means that while their content may appear in search results, they won’t receive direct credit. This has raised eyebrows in the journalism and media sectors, especially given the ongoing lawsuit from The New York Times over copyright issues.

For content creators, this could be a double-edged sword. On one hand, increased visibility in search results could drive traffic to their work. On the other hand, the lack of attribution might discourage creators from sharing their content, knowing they won’t receive recognition. It’s a complex issue that OpenAI will need to navigate carefully.

Future Developments

Looking ahead, OpenAI has expressed interest in improving SearchGPT’s capabilities in areas like local information and commerce. This could open up new avenues for users, making the search engine not just a tool for information retrieval but also a platform for discovering local businesses and services.

As AI continues to evolve, the competition among search engines will likely intensify. Google is also ramping up its AI capabilities, integrating features that provide quick overviews and highlight relevant topics. This means that SearchGPT will need to continuously innovate to stay relevant.


So, will SearchGPT be a Perplexity clone? The answer isn’t straightforward. While there are similarities in their approaches to AI-driven search, SearchGPT aims to offer a more interactive and visually engaging experience. The success of this venture will depend on how well OpenAI can differentiate itself in a crowded market and address the concerns of content creators.

Now, here’s the problem: as AI tools like SearchGPT and Perplexity evolve, users need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate this new landscape effectively. This is where Augmented AI University comes in. Our program focuses on teaching practical, innovative, and cutting-edge AI concepts, including Generative AI, Large Language Models, RAG, Computer Vision, and Robotics. By enrolling, you can gain the expertise needed to thrive in this rapidly changing environment.

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Ritesh Kanjee
Augmented AI

We help you master AI so it does not master you! Director of Augmented AI