A Deep Dive Into The Talkpush Rebranding

Unifying our brand with our message was crucial to set up an evolving foundation of who we are.

Pia Riquelme
7 min readJul 31, 2019


Earlier today, we officially launched our new brand to the world. And when we say “to the world” in a company with offices in over 6 countries, and customers in over 5 continents, we truly mean that.

Awesome Talkpushers doing awesome stuff

Talkpush was born a little over four years ago from a daring idea: putting conversations at the center of the recruitment process. We wanted to rethink the whole hiring experience and improve the lives of employers and candidates. Since then, our team, as well as, our product, have grown pretty dramatically and evolved in to what Talkpush is today; the leading Recruitment Process Automation platform.

So why the change?

This project wasn’t born out of the blue. We’ve known something was missing for a while and felt like our brand wasn’t where we wanted it to be. The Talkpush brand is more than a name and logo. It’s a hardwired belief in our message, a set of values, attributes and statements that reflect the disruptive and visionary spirit of the purpose of our organization. We felt that the personality and character we have as a company wasn’t being reflected through our visual identity. Our overall communications were not representative of the fun, dynamic, creative team we had behind the brand.

We realized the way we were expressing ourselves as a brand, as a company, wasn’t accurate. Our visual materials were stiff and outdated, and the mood was a little somber, even though we at Talkpush, have never been any of those things. So, a change had to be made…

Being stretched out, throughout various countries, is challenging as a company, but worth it. Naturally, people start crafting their own messages of what our product does or how it does it. It’s normal to have ever-evolving copy blocks and pitches, but we knew that to achieve a truly powerful rebranding, we needed to get back to basics and build a base where everything else could be created from. As the Head of Marketing, I thought it was essential to have a sort of “Message Platform”, a living document that unified the set of messages we wanted to use and make sure everything was under the same umbrella, that everyone understood the value proposition we were offering. A rebrand doesn’t mean anything if you’re not looking deeply into the core — the unique concept that you want your branding to reflect.

How did we do it? The first step was to gather insights from every department of the company. Asking questions like,

“Why do you think our clients love Talkpush?”

“Why do YOU love Talkpush?”

“What are the most important features in our product?”

“If Talkpush was a person, what would be his or her hobbies?”

This gave us a true understanding of what Talkpush was at its core and it gave us a sense of the personality we truly had as a company, as a team.


Connecting candidates with employers is our why. We believe that as the way people communicate evolves, so should the recruitment experience. Talkpush was born to improve the lives of employers and candidates by putting conversations at the centre of the hiring process.”


We ELEVATE: We believe in progress. A technology- powered future will elevate humanity to a better place.

We MEASURE: Our decisions are data-driven. We care about metrics because the only way to deliver a quality experience at scale is to measure it.

We ADAPT: Change is life, and it’s how we thrive. We will always find a way and focus on the solution, on progress, on advancement.

We GO ALL OUT: Our customers can rely on us to go beyond the call of duty to improve the recruitment experience. Their results are our results.


  • High-touch service strengthens our relationships.
  • Candidate centricity propels usability and reach.
  • Global presence and local know-how are key to adoption.


These are all about our personality. They are the four essential personality traits that we defined for Talkpush.


I’ll tell you what they mean:


We thrive on challenges, courageousness and growth. We will dare you to be better and will empower you to do so.


We are the opposite of subtle, you will notice us. We are purposefully looking for ways to stand out from the crowd. We go all in or not at all.


Where there’s a will, there’s a way. We look for transformation everywhere, visionaries have always dreamt big.


We are who we are, unapologetically so. We are not bound by the status quo but rather by our beliefs of what will leave a mark in this world.

This is who we are and what we believe in. This is the baseline of everything we do and how we do it. We also dove into who we are as a team, as Talkpushers…

Now we just had to find the most accurate and meaningful way to express it..

Extreme Makeover: Talkpush Edition

The Logo

We had the basics, the groundwork to start building a new brand, we just needed a little help to get there.

That’s when HUMAN came into the picture. Human is a small but powerful design shop based in Mexico City. They understood our style and personality right away, they asked the right questions and the right explorations, they challenged us, they pushed us, they took care of us.

After just a couple of months, we got to the end result. An amazing, dynamic, fun, Talkpush visual identity.

As you can see, we wanted to create a really dynamic logo, something that could be applied in different ways for different mediums.

The speechbubble doesn’t go all the way through the word in this secondary logo because we wanted to give that sense of different lengths of conversations, of being open and not putting ourselves in an unbreakable box. These different versions give us range and flexibility.

This is the new brand, but it represents everything that we have always been. The colors, the photographic style, the mood, da vibessss. SO TALKPUSH.

The Website

Once we had all this, it was time to work on the website. We knew that it was imperative to get the website right, after all, it’s basically where a SaaS company lives. Again, we looked for outside talent that could help us bring our vision to life. This time, it was Lagom Agency who took the challenge with us. Another Mexican company with great talent and creative initiative.

The #TalentAcquisition tech space has never looked this good…

We worked together to create a website that’s interactive, professional, useful and so good-looking I might cry just thinking about it.

Brand it like you’ve never branded before

The fun keeps coming when you’re going through a (great) rebranding. We’re fully committed, and we want our partners, customers and prospects to know that. So we got moving with changing sales decks, event stands, t-shirts, mugs, we even changed our Slack color palette!

I believe this project is a testament to who we are. Talkpush is indeed, DARING, LOUD, IDEALISTIC and UNCONVENTIONAL.

Help us fix recruitment! We’re always looking for creative, smart go-getters to join our awesome team. Check out our careers here.

Talkpush is the new way employers and candidates connect all over the world. We believe hiring is about starting conversations; and are on a mission to level up the recruitment experience. Want to know more? Schedule a demo 👉👉👉 here.

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