Augmented Recruiters

Perrine Issachar
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2017

Every month, we feature recruiters who embrace automation in our Augmented Recruiters Series. This month we feature three recruitment innovators from the Philippines.


Kirsten Miranda, Recruitment Associate, Alorica

On the advantages of using AI in recruitment…

More candidates apply through social media if they know they can get a real time response. With an application process that uses Artificial Intelligence, it is easier for us to connect with candidates at scale and to respond to them in real-time. Candidates are not left hanging. It is accommodating and re-assuring.’


Ping Sta. Catalina, Recruiting Manager, Alexander Mann Solutions

On the use of technology to build a talent pool….

When we use technology and social media, we are able to tap a bigger market outside of the traditional recruitment channels while remaining very targeted. We connect with passive job seekers whose profiles are specifically what our accounts we looking for. Using messaging, we connect with candidates at scale during, or after working hours… They can answer anytime which increases our contact rate considerably.


Rouella Ravago, Alexander Mann Solutions

On the perfect recruitment process…

We try to remove any barriers between job seekers and us. We rely on Talkpush’s real-time engagement solution to tap on to a larger talent pool, particularly passive job seekers..

