Build a better digital candidate journey every step of the way

Stanley is the first conversational agent to go beyond the sourcing and screening stage and to accompany candidates through their entire journey

Max @talkpush
2 min readMar 30, 2018


From the moment you welcome candidates to your recruitment office or to your career booth, they are judging you as much as you are judging them. Is every candidate welcomed properly and consistently? You can now rely on on Stanley, your candidate digital assistant to deliver a more complete experience.

In the video below, you can experienced how to transform a walk-in candidate into a brand ambassador thanks to Stanley:

To sum things up, these are all the ways in which Stanley can help:

  • Measure candidate NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Identify underlying issues with unhappy candidates
  • Make candidate satisfaction a key metrics for your recruitment team
  • Turn happy candidates into ambassadors
  • Capture their data via mobile and record it in your ATS
  • Deliver a welcome message from your recruitment or executive team
  • Brief candidates on what to expect in the recruitment process and how to be mentally prepared
  • Answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the company, the job, or the environment
  • BONUS: follow up/chase candidates who did NOT show up
Recruitment is not all about the hiring… Every step of the process should be optimized

When candidates first leave your office, whether they are hired or rejected for the role, they are now out there talking about you. Is your employer brand protected, or better yet, is it empowered? Are candidates leaving inspired or critical? The quality of the experience you deliver can only be systematically improved if it is regularly measured.



Max @talkpush

Social Media hiring, recruitment technology, and balancing the human/robot experience