Harness Local Talent With Targeted Social Media Initiatives

Go ‘glocal’ with Talkpush’s Facebook Multiple Pages Feature

6 min readJul 1, 2019


Why is localized recruitment effective?

Most job applicants search for local content. One of the many reasons: promoting jobs via local Facebook pages allow candidates to apply for a job broken down and easily searchable by location, language preferences and skills. Having separate pages for each location can give your employer brand a larger presence on search engines, specifically the Facebook Search. Recruiting locally helps you find talent based on the job profile, cultural fit, language, and other demographic factors. It can also be a great marketing tool to cultivate a wide yet job-specific talent pool.

That said, there are two scenarios in which multiple Facebook pages can be designed and managed with Talkpush based on your local recruitment objective(s)/ purpose.

Scenario 1.

Multiple Facebook pages for the same brand will apply in cases where you have a centralised recruitment effort that manages the social media for the employer brand across geographies. In this case, all these social pages can be managed by one recruitment marketing team. So, to have one holistic view of leads, all countries’ FB pages can be housed inside one Talkpush account because some teams are central and some teams can have local recruiters, however the management is the same. Previously, for one country we used to have a separate Talkpush account. So country A is not going to see the data of country B. Now in the new model, we can manage multiple Facebook pages at the same time and combine the possibilities of these two models via which we can enable one global account to include the main career page that will further be connected to talent recruitment pages of different countries. And all of these leads would pour into the same global Talkpush account. This means you would need to have different campaigns as each campaign could be receiving data from one FB page or multiple FB pages depending on what your campaign objective is.

Scenario 2.

You still have a country-specific Talkpush account, but within the country, you have localised FB pages. Case in point: Our client Genpact, one of the leading global professional services firm delivering digital transformation experience, has city-specific local FB pages to cater to local candidates. The company has Genpact New Delhi page, Genpact Bangalore page, and Genpact Hyderabad page. All of these pages are designed to interface with local talent within their very small radius. The recruitment team posts local content in different languages based on their city presence, say in Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, etc. So the audience feels more engaged with the social media outreach as the content is localised and personalised. This way, recruiters can funnel the leads into the Talkpush account. Though of course the number of FB pages you have depends on how diverse your audience is.

How localization works with Talkpush

Managing Multiple Facebook Pages from inside Talkpush

With our latest release Talkpush now support connecting multiple facebook pages to a single CRM account. Not only does this allow our users to funnel all their leads from different Facebook pages into a single CRM but additionally our clients can have different chat bots running on different pages, for example a persona bot <link to persona bots> adjusted to region of the Facebook page.

For those who are familiar with how Talkpush works, you can now go into the Facebook settings inside the company settings to connect more Facebook Pages to your account. After that all you need to do is to define which page a given campaign should be linked to in the campaign settings.

You can connect a campaign to a single FB page or even multiple, in which case the job will appear on all the connected chatbots as well as in the jobs section of the FB page, if that option is enabled. Additionally, you can now also toggle jobs to be public or private, meaning that the chatbot can conduct interviews for jobs that are not visible in regular chatbot flow, this can be very handy when you are trying to create an interview experience tailored specifically around a certain sourcing channel.

Chatbot styled with your local employer branding approach.

Not only do we allow the support of different chatbots per page but also in different languages. We make sure that the personality of the chatbot is adapted to the specific region. For example, someone from ACME Philippines would want to be spoken to differently from someone from ACME US. This is where the local recruitment teams play a key role in coming together as one team to gain a holistic view of where their leads are coming from.

Multi-channel, multi-user activation.

Now the entire global workforce can work on one Talkpush account. You can also set up notifications, depending on the campaign you’re looking to hire. You can add people/ recruiters from that respective region and role and they can receive an email when an applicant has completed an interview. This also improves recruitment productivity as roles and responsibilities can be pre-defined/ set as per the campaign.

Localisation recruiting approach followed by high-volume enterprise customers

As an example, our client Transcom, a global customer experience specialist, has a local social media recruiting strategy when hiring for skills and other relevant job criteria. For example, currently the firm has 3 Facebook pages — one for Dakola, one for Iloilo, and one for Manila. The central career and branding page is Transcom Asia PH, which is installed with a bot. The other two pages are city-specific. Every candidate that sends messages via bot will be redirected to the main Facebook page. In terms of the media that reflects on each of these pages, Dakola and Iloilo would have a more targeted and localised version of posts, publication and news. Creating a community within the local Facebook page sparks more career interests among local candidates based on their career/ job preferences. Transcom caters to different cities based on different accounts and specialisations. And although jobs might more or less be the same but skills requirements for the said job could be different based on different locales/ regions. For example, to hire a technical support executive, a company might have a requirement for the candidate to pass a certain assessment. Say for Dakola it can be 65% test standard, but for Manila it can be stricter, like 75%. This is how Transcom manages candidate expectations/ preferences with their job requirement to apply in their nearest recruitment hub. Plus, candidates also like speaking their own dialect based one which Transcom publishes their social media material in that respective dialect for betting targeting purposes. Also, Transcom keeps the cultural subtitles in its radar so as to deliver a more personalised candidate experience whilst meeting the job specifications with their potential candidates.

Another great example of driving localisation in its social recruiting approach is iQor.

iQor has 6 sites — and each of these 6 sites have their own Facebook page via which they are endeavouring to get in front of their local audience. iQor Philippines is the primary page in this case. The local job search is intentionally designed based on demographics, because you have people (aka candidates) speaking different languages alongside different interests, and may have local problems (like inter-connectivity, commuting problem, etc). Other factors could be that each FB Page, which is catering to a separate audience or separate site of your brand may have different requirements — like different budgets, promotions and events, etc. For example, you can offer a $5000 signing bonus to prospective candidates to apply for your city-specific job positions. Especially when your company has a new site presence, you can deliver a more personalised candidate experience via your local FB page [job] promotions.

What localization strategies are you using to segment your audience based on your recruiting [campaign] objective(s)?

Talkpush is the new way employers and candidates connect all over the world. We believe hiring is about starting conversations; and are on a mission to level up the recruitment experience. Want to know more? Schedule a demo 👉👉👉 here.

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