Hungry for Sourcing Data?

Talkpush Serves up a Steaming Plate of Channel Analytics for TA professionals

Ivanha Paz
5 min readSep 30, 2019


A recruiting team’s success depends largely on channel and behavioral insights. And just like sales, recruitment is all about the numbers. The numbers provide the big picture on how candidates interact with the company and the sourcing channels. Managers can ideally drill down on specific data points to pinpoint which part of the funnels need optimization. It’s crucial that TA teams have access to in-depth channel analytics, so they can measure their performance.

Numbers alone don’t mean anything, they need to be transformed into actionable insights. We’ve given our analytics dashboard a complete overhaul, integrating it right on our platform, with data points now easier to toggle, see and interpret.

Smart Design

While Talkpush already offered significant depth on data, our users had to access it through Power BI, adding a step to the process which we wanted to eliminate so that the data would be available with one click.

The new Talkpush analytics dashboard is more intuitive, placing all key metrics in a single page. Users can just scroll through that dashboard, and easily adjust parameters to deep-dive into segments of the data they want to review or to study overarching trends.

Drill Down Customization

Every high volume hiring operation usually runs its own set of metrics. That’s why we built a dashboard that can be customized to each operation. Customers drill down the data into specific campaigns, looking at completion rate, show up rate, shortlist rates, and hiring rates.

Now they can access all of these levels of data without ever leaving the Talkpush platform. We’ve always received custom data requests, and our goal has been to make an analytics screen that can be easily adapted.

Recruiters can search for trends such as how many leads have come from Facebook Messenger in the last two weeks, or which campaigns are getting the most traffic — or you can toggle between leads by campaign or folder, and review how specific campaigns are performing.

“The first graph at the top of the new dashboard actually represents the metrics we use the most: number of leads, screened candidates, and hired candidates. Plus, it gives us the option to screen per number of days. If we want to look at our workflow performance for a specific month, we can.” — Ana Purcell, Recruiting Admin Coordinator, Alorica

A few more scrolls down, under “Applicant rating/ Experience;” and recruiters can see how candidates have been rating the application process, how likely they are to refer a friend, and the score they give the actual interview.

Metrics Rundown

That all sounds great, right? But for those of you who, like us, are obsessed with data, let’s get a little more specific. Here’s the complete rundown of everything you can measure inside our new embedded dashboard:

Initial Overview

Allows teams to quickly gauge overall account performance during a daily or weekly checkup with the following metrics:

● Number of leads

● Number of interviews/ screened candidates

● Number of Hires (based on the filter of when candidate was added, not when they were hired)

● Timeline of lead volume (weekly)

Channel Analytics

Our customers are constantly measuring how effective each sourcing channel , comparing them against one another to see which converts best. Channel Analytics serves to assess performance and include:

● Leads by channel (% of total and volume)

● Evolution of specific channel performance over time

● Comparison performance between channels over time

Folders analytics

Users can view how each campaign is performing, as well as each specific portion of the funnel. For example they may check how many leads are in the inbox folder vs. the shortlisted one, or how many candidates end up being shortlisted from specific job boards, or how many candidates are hired vs. rejected by sourcing platform. These graphics are available:

● Timeline with number of unique applications per stages of the funnel

● Source tracking: where are leads coming from and which folder do they end up in? (e.g. are 80% of Facebook leads end in the 'pass' folder?)

Campaign Analytics

You can compare campaigns by number of hires, shortlisted candidates, among other useful data points , including for separate locations.

● Volume by campaign

● Distribution of folders within one campaign — E.g how many candidates in the campaign are in the rejected folder vs the hired folder?

● Campaign type filter — for example, you can select to only view analytics for onboarding campaigns or inquiry campaigns, and so on.

Chatbot Metrics

You can check how your chatbot is performing. After implementing any bot changes you’ll probably want to verify your application process doesn’t take longer to complete or is otherwise negatively affected. To help we’ve included these analytics:

● Interview duration in minutes along with a mini-graph displaying recent evolution of the average minutes to complete interview

● Recent timeline of duration of interview (line chart)

● Breakdown of duration of interviews in minutes

Candidate Feedback/NPS

Last but not least, you can monitor if changes to the application process are leaving better impressions with candidates than before, as well as ensuring you’re maintaining a steady rate of positive feedback.

● Candidate NPS feedback

● Rate of referrals: Would candidates refer someone based on their experience?

While Talkpush is already leading the industry with many of these analytics we’re only getting started. The Talkpush analytics dashboard is an on-going project which will be constantly improving. Given the nature of our data-hungry industry, we will add more data points to meet the evolving needs of recruiters. We welcome all your suggestions and requests for more graphics, more statistics and more data-driven decision making.

Have any ideas? Write us a note to and help us #Levelup recruitment.

Talkpush is the new way employers and candidates connect all over the world. We believe hiring is about starting conversations; and are on a mission to level up the recruitment experience. Want to know more? Schedule a demo 👉👉👉 here.

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Ivanha Paz

Writer. Venezuelan-American living in Mexico. Once cried at a reindeer video because I forgot they were real. Tweet @ivanhapaz