Online Lead Generation for Recruiters

Jay Ramirez
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2018

Online Advertising Applied to Sourcing and Recruiting

Candidate sourcing is a very competitive landscape especially in the following industries which requires hiring high volume of talents. These are Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), IT & Telco, Financial services, and Staffing firms.

Fortunately for recruiters, there are already existing online marketing channels and best practices for leads generation that can significantly increase your talent pipeline.

In this article, we will discuss these digital lead generation platforms that recruiters can use, and more importantly, developing a strategy on which ones would work best for your sourcing objectives.

1. Determining you target candidates

A lot of recruiters are focused on hiring based on work qualifications but failed to understand the candidate personas that best match the roles they are looking for. Creating personas would help you determine which candidates you need and can attract to fill your talent pipeline. It would also help you make your online lead generation faster by matching the candidate personas with the different online channels.

2. Choosing which online channel works

Search Ads

Google AdWords is a very effective advertising platform for leads generation because you are able to target people who are already interested and looking for a job. The platform is designed to target audience based on the keywords that they are using when looking for work. You will set the bid on how much you are willing to pay per click.

Google AdWords

AdWords may be a quick way to generate leads, but it is also a very competitive marketplace with a lot of advertisers bidding for the same audience that you want. The key is to have optimized set of keywords, an effective Call-To-Action (CTA) on your ads, and a very enticing landing yet simple landing page to make your AdWords campaign effective.

Banner Ads

Since the dawn of internet marketing, banner ads have been around already and for a good reason. When used correctly, banner ads can help you build awareness for your company and convert them into leads. Your ads will appear across different platforms including websites, apps, videos, and blogs.

Banner Ads

The setback with banner ads is that most people have already developed ad fatigue or ad blindness where they automatically ignore the ads already. It is therefore important to plan ahead your targeting strategy and make sure that you are only placing your ads that are very relevant to context and behavior of people while they are online.

Social Media

Facebook and LinkedIn are the two main platforms you can use to generate leads on social media. Facebook best caters to entry level positions while LinkedIn is more suitable for managerial positions. Both Facebook and LinkedIn’s Lead Generation Ad formats have a built-in Lead Form, so you don’t need to create a separate landing page. Candidates can fill up the form and click submit, and you get to capture their basic information already.

LinkedIn Lead Ads
Facebook Lead Ads

I recommend that you keep your lead form short and simple. Just get the name, email, phone, and two pre-screening questions like educational attainment and previous job title. Asking too many questions can lessen the likelihood of completion.

Also try experimenting and trying all channels and find out for yourself which one is delivering you more leads. You also have to balance the quantity vs. quality of leads you are getting on each channel. For example, Facebook tends to be cheaper but the conversion from leads to hires is lower. LinkedIn or AdWords is more expensive, but you get higher leads to hire ratio. At the end of the day, what matters is not your Cost Per Lead (CPL) but your Cost Per Hire. And the actual number of hires. It is better to spend a little bit more in your Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) as long as you are getting the volume that you need.

3. Highlighting your Value Proposition

After identifying your ideal candidates and best channels for your online leads generation, you need to start crafting your recruitment message. The key is to highlight the things that would make a candidate join your company aside from the obvious salary and benefits. What are your candidate’s goals and needs that you are able to provide? Do you promote diversity in the workplace? Do you have a great program for working moms? Do you offer flexibility in work schedule? By continually highlighting this in your recruitment, you will be able to attract high volume and diverse quality of leads in your talent pipeline.

4. Putting it all together

Creating an overall lead generation strategy is about changing a recruiter’s mindset into a marketer’s mindset. Good quality leads will come after you are able to provide your target candidates with all the information they need to make an informed decision, and presenting it to them in a way that will encourage them to submit their application and contact information to your company.

If you need help, you can look for companies that specialize on Lead Generation for Sourcing like Talkpush to help you plan and manage your lead generation strategy.



Jay Ramirez

More than 8 years of digital marketing and sales experience. Digital Sourcing Strategist of Talkpush