Talkpush hosted its 1st Recruitment Hack event in Costa Rica yesterday on the theme “AI with the human touch”

An event recap. Who came, what we talked about and what we learned

Hellen Fonseca
3 min readApr 25, 2019


We’ve come a long way since we opened our first LATAM office in San José a little over a year ago. So we thought that organizing our first Recruitment Hacks series event was long over due. The Recruitment Hacks series has been one of our key initiatives from the very beginning. Our main objective is to give back to the Talent Acquisition community and offer a space for people to connect, share experiences and learn together.

The event took place in the modern Aloft hotel, where more than 50 recruitment and talent acquisition professionals from some of the largest employers in the country and LATAM were in attendance, which enriched the experience and insights delivered by our great speakers.

We took an in-depth look at one of the most powerful recruitment channels, social media, and how hiring strategies & techniques have changed over the years. Here’s the summary of the speakers and the topics they covered…

To start the discussion, our CEO Max Armbruster shared a great case study on Transcom and how they created a strategy and reimagining the candidate experience with CES a bot brand ambassador, resulting in 57% more application per month.

Next, Bernal Fonseca director of CERCANOS and TDMás. Entrepreneur and content generator for digital and conventional media, facilitated a discussion about current working conditions and the impact on the talent pool. We had great participation of the audience sharing experiences and ideas of how we can become disruptive on the market place.

After that, Catalina Guzman, Marketing Coordinator of Teleperformance Costa Rica, shared a very interesting business case of how they have impacted the candidates’ experience in a positive manner by adding AI into their recruitment process.

Talkpush’s Director of Americas, Hellen Fonseca, discussed the role that digital marketing has nowadays in Talent Acquisition, and how to effectively target the audience using the different social media channels, without forgetting the innovation element.

Next, Elena Beltran HR Manager and Andres Chaverri, Master Recruiter of Valor Global Costa Rica, were interviewed by our Regional Director of Business Development, Steven Baltodano, on how they describe the process of adoption and the outcome of having AI as part of their hiring flow. How they measure success and the challenge of not losing the human touch in the process? Were talking points that they addressed during the interview.

Lastly, Nicolas Schumacher founder and director of MUTANTE, global advertising agency, talked about social media segmentation options and buying persona. He highlighted the importance of using the right tools to create relevant content for the targeted online audience.

Thanks to all attendees to the event, who made this “Recruitment Hack” an enriched experience and for accepting the challenge of becoming game changers in the future of recruitment. We’re definitely looking forward to the next one!

Talkpush is the new way employers and candidates connect all over the world. We believe hiring is about starting conversations; and are on a mission to level up the recruitment experience.

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