Check out how the full recruitment workflow can be accelerated thanks to the newly mobile-enabled Talkpush experience.

Talkpush now available on mobile

Lukas Bierfreund
4 min readDec 30, 2018


With the Talkpush Mobile app recruiters connect with their candidates from anywhere at any time and continue conversations started on Messenger, WhatsApp, email and SMS

Our philosophy at Talkpush is simple: recruiters should be engaging with candidates in the same way that the candidates are communicating with their friends and family. Many employers and recruiters agree with that philosophy and have started to move their conversations with candidates to Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, SMS, etc. The rise of messaging recruitment coincides with the rise of the Talkpush CRM, which makes use of AI to help companies handle thousands of recruitment conversations every day. And now with the Talkpush Mobile app, recruiters can connect with their candidates anywhere at any time, and continue the conversations that started on Messenger, WhatsApp, email and SMS.

Recruiters want to chat with talent via a work (not a personal) app

While the shift to using social messaging has been great for candidates, offering them a familiar experience given their already heavy use of messaging apps, it has added a new layer of complexity for recruiters and sourcers. How can recruiters manage all these messaging channels and keep an overview of what conversations are going on where? In addition, many recruiters end up using their private phones to text or WhatsApp candidates, making it more difficult to shut off from work at the end of the day.

The Talkpush app accompanies the transition from automated chat to in-person meeting

Employers want to know what’s going on

As individual recruiters struggle with keeping tabs on all their conversations, so do their companies. In recruitment, having access to the valuable insights generated from that data is imperative to optimizing processes and compliance. Additionally, having data spread across multiple devices, apps and people poses major issues for data privacy, security and control. What happens if a recruiter leaves your company? Does all that data currently stored on their personal device go with them? For the organization, the new mobile app means, no, your recruiters aren’t going to take all the data with them if they leave. Instead, all this recruitment data is stored inside the Talkpush platform, which recruiters can access via their smartphones without having to actually have that data on their device.

Solution: the Talkpush mobile app lets you chat on the go on every messaging app (including SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, …)

The Talkpush mobile app tackles all of the above issues. For the recruiters the new mobile app brings an omnichannel messaging experience into hands of recruiters, allowing end users to easily take over the conversations started by the automated conversational agents (aka chatbots) at any time during the candidate’s recruitment journey.

For the organizations, it means having all their recruitment data stored securely inside the Talkpush platform, giving them a full overview of the recruitment operation and easy access to their data for analytics. All recruiters can use the same Facebook Account, SMS line and WhatsApp number to create a consistent experience for the candidates and easy data management for the company.

Through the app, you can enhance your recruitment productivity in many ways:

Manage all your conversations

The Talkpush mobile app lets recruiters manage all their leads & conversations started on SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and email from a single place, as well as view all their candidates and application data. This includes allowing recruiters to view audio and video messages submitted by candidates during the screening process. All this is available within a few touches.

Engage from anywhere and review applications on the go

The Talkpush mobile app provides recruiters and sourcers an unprecedented level of access and flexibility to start their day from anywhere. You’re a recruiter rushing between candidate interviews and want to get a summary of the candidate , or listen to their pre-screening interview recordings before your meeting?

Want to send your scheduled candidates a reminder of their on-site interview on your way to the office? Want to send the hiring manager a heads up on a candidate they’re about to meet? Want to quickly review a candidate’s reply to that tricky question before going in to meet them? Now you can; with the new mobile app you’ve got their profile in your pocket and can engage with candidates any time

you need to.

Available to existing Talkpush customers

The Talkpush mobile app is available immediately (and free of charge) to all users of the Talkpush CRM. Schedule your demo of the mobile app and learn how you can use it to streamline your recruitment operations by clicking this link.

Talkpush is now available on Android
and on iOS

