Interesting Facts: Here’s is Why 2019 May Become The Year Of Enterprise Blockchain

Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2019
Blockchain Facts

According to Forbes:
1. In 2018, 95% of companies across different industries were investing in blockchain tech projects.
2. In 2019, those pilot projects are finally moving from the test stage to the end users.
3. 58% of investors and 55% of consumers feel that blockchain are optimistic about the blockchain’s potential for money transfers.

According to the Deloitte survey,
1. 82% of the respondents in the US consider Blockchain a promising new technology capable to transform a multitude of business processes.
2. 74% of companies who took part in the survey state that they already have a “compelling business case” for blockchain technology.
3. 34% of the companies already initiated a blockchain deployment.

Augusta HiTech
Augusta HiTech has delivered more than 10 end to end blockchain applications in Hyperledger and Ethereum platforms across numerous industry like Finance, healthcare, supply chain, agriculture, gaming, human identity, etc. To know more about our case studies and success stories on the blockchain, contact us here: or dial us at (866)-962–1010



Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech

Experts in Blockchain technology solutions, product development, enterprise mobile application development, artificial intelligence and Internet of thing