REMME has released its sidechain testnet demonstrating the strongest use case for enterprise blockchains.

Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2018


REMME TESTNET for enterprise blockchain

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure (PKId) protocol REMME has released its sidechain testnet demonstrating the strongest use case for enterprise blockchains.

REMME, the developer of blockchain-based access management solutions, announced its sidechain testnet open for public testing by enterprise and developers. REMME testnet is giving businesses the taste of the benefits blockchain bestows in regards to security and transparency.

Since completing token sale this February, REMME development team has been focusing on perfecting its proprietary REMChain for distributed Identity and Access management (IAMd) and Public Key Infrastructure (PKId) requests. The release of sidechain testnet means REMME technology is ready for testing in a full-scale business environment.

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Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech

Experts in Blockchain technology solutions, product development, enterprise mobile application development, artificial intelligence and Internet of thing