Uniting Cannabis States, Government Agencies, Banks, Medical Researchers,
EFPs, Suppliers, Growers, Transporters, Patients, and Consumers

Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018
Quality of blockchain

Supply Chain Integration For All

Quality Controls

The problem with implementing quality controls in the cannabis industry is that the system is mainly based on human actions. Human controls often happen too early or too late. The illegal goods have been sold, or the compliance with government controls has been done improperly.

The current documentation and tracking, even if it’s mostly digital, lacks a secure common information exchange. When you expand this model to the whole supply chain, the amount of non-value-adding work and margin for error is huge.

Once you have a problem, you are at risk of a government shutdown and prosecution. Colorado is a prime example of how lack of controls can cause lawsuits and setbacks to progress.

Future Safety & Growth

Government is charged with maintaining public safety. It finances this public service through taxation on products it governs. Illegal cannabis transactions continue to slow the growth of the industry, increase risk, and dwarf the benefits to the patients.

420 Blockchain is engineered to provide the information highway for local and federal regulation, at the speed and agility needed to protect public safety and fulfill high public demand for the legalization of this medicinal herb.

In cannabis, data on every action that happens to an item could be retrieved from IoT systems and recorded in a blockchain. That way, it would be possible to follow the path of an item from its seed origins to the dispensary and into the final consumer’s hands. Machines and the workers operating them could also be tracked. Machine makers are already adding IoT to their products.

The technology would help automatically track any anomalies in the supply chain process. As a vegetative product, for example, we would know if it has been stored in wet conditions. A concrete floor would tell if it has been given enough time to dry. Getting this information early enough could prevent damaged or moldy supplies, allowing us to prevent lawsuits. An objective record of the process would reveal any anomalies or negligence. All the parties, including state and regulatory control authorities, would get access to this data. Automation would reduce paperwork and give everybody more time for value-adding activities.

To know more, reach us at https://augustahitech.com/contact.html or call us at +1 (866)-962–1010



Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech

Experts in Blockchain technology solutions, product development, enterprise mobile application development, artificial intelligence and Internet of thing