You will Work in Blockchain Whether you Like it or not

Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018
Blockchain awareness

Blockchain elicits all reactions and none. The response from people when the topic is raised can range from a blank stare to a laboured sigh. Some know blockchain only through bitcoin, others don’t know it at all. A small group of people will nearly scratch a cornea rolling their eyes at its mere mention, deriding it as a fad.

According to a research recently published, as many as 75% of people say they would not consider a career in the blockchain area. Most people don’t know what blockchain is, that’s what the findings found. They don’t get it. To them, it’s simply some buzzword technology. That’s a big PR problem. It’s also a problem for companies that are building out in the space.

Presently, the blockchain ecosystem is in pretty good condition. A healthy mix of blockchain-focused companies has their operations in full swing. Many of the large consultancy firms have dedicated blockchain labs. Finance giants such as Fidelity Investments and Mastercard have poured resources into gaining a foothold in blockchain. All the big tech giants, some of them probably secretly, are looking to hire people with blockchain backgrounds across the globe.

Blockchain’s Imminent takeover

The rapid increase of blockchain technology is as irresistible as the tide coming in. It’ll wash over us all in a matter of time. The march of technological progress is as ceaseless as the spinning of our Earth. It won’t be a case of an insuppressible force meeting an immovable object — you will be forced into working in the blockchain. Though many surveys cited an inappropriate educational background as a reason they would not want to paddle into it, the worker of tomorrow will likely learn on the job.

Almost everyone today works at an internet company. The company itself may not be actually building websites but they probably have one. The company itself isn’t developing email applications but people use [them], or a chat app. Blockchain companies are going to be just like that in future. Blockchain will be a piece of the technology that people use every single day.

For now, most of the blockchain jobs lie in building infrastructure, and the roles are mostly developer roles. however, this is temporary. Tomorrow, it’s going to be every company. Techs are going to gain their skills by simply working with companies endeavouring blockchain.

The Need for Cognizance

This irresistibility doesn’t address the truth that people still neither understand nor trust blockchain as a technology. If it is going to be such a large part of the future of work, then a huge hurdle will have to be overcome in order to draw workers to this area.

There must be a better job at education. Universities need to chip in a bit teaching this concept to students/people.

We at Augusta Hitech have already built/being built a successful blockchain for enterprises in the supply chain, finance, healthcare, identity, etc. To know about our success stories, different use cases and pilot programs, reach us at or dial us at +1 (866)-962–1010 to jump on a quick call.

Courtesy: Silicon Republic



Augusta Hitech Soft Solutions
Augusta Hitech

Experts in Blockchain technology solutions, product development, enterprise mobile application development, artificial intelligence and Internet of thing