I Fucking Like This Shirt

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim


Your attack on a designer somewhere far, far away (or in your own backyard, who knows) is a symptom of our consumer-society distance from the people who create our clothing.

A poor Bangladeshi woman probably sewed the shirt that you malign so cruelly.

The designer thought: “Today I am going to do something different, experiment.”

There is a human being somewhere whose bravery and desire to experiment is being ridiculed by a first-worlder who, even though he bought the shirt for only $25, paid 100x (ball park) what she was paid to sew it.

The contempt in which you hold the creators of this perfectly-functional shirt apalls me, as well as your willingness to ridicule another’s effort at self-expression. Creativity is an experiment and mistakes are made.

Slave labour in Bangladesh is no joke.

I write Bangladesh because many textiles with western destinations are sewn there.

It could just as easily be Indonesia or Malaysia.

“But it was effective and it did its job. It made the intended audience laugh and show their teeth” – Meryl Streep 8 Jan 2017

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