Here’s one new technique that I am using to incorporate new habits into my regular routine.

August Rene Sage
August’s Growth Grimoire
3 min readApr 4, 2022
Photo by Jéssica Silveira on Unsplash

Have you ever reached the end of a long day and thought to yourself “I didn’t accomplish nearly as much as I would have liked to do.”?

I certainly have. Many times, in fact.

I don’t know about you, but I have a daily mental bandwidth that I work within.

I do everything that I can throughout the day, but at a certain point, there is just nothing left for me to give.

While I have a few different techniques I use to help keep me focused and active, I have come across one that I really enjoy and it’s called “Habit Stacking”.

I first learned about this technique from the New York Times Bestseller “Atomic Habits” by James Clear (a fantastic, unintimidating, book that I am still trying to finish because I am a slow reader.)

In a nutshell, “Habit Stacking” is a technique where you attach a new habit that you want to incorporate into your routine to an existing one that you consistently do.

For example, I recently bought a few different plants for my apartment. Before this, I wasn’t much of a plant person because I would get overwhelmed by the idea of having to water them at specific times.

With my busy schedule, I would often forget to water them.

I thought about one habit that I consistently do without fail, and it came to me.

On every day off, I make coffee.

Every Saturday (and Sunday) morning, I start my day by making my delicious (and much-needed) cup of joe. Without it, the haze of slumber haunts me well until the afternoon.

So I thought to myself “I religiously make myself a cup of coffee every weekend morning. Why don’t I link this habit to the new habit that I am trying to incorporate into my weekly routine?”

Now, every Saturday, I make my morning cup of coffee and while the coffee is pouring into my favorite mug, I fill up a jar of water and each of my plants.

By the time I am done with the plants, I have a fresh cup of coffee waiting for me.

Not only do I “kill two birds with one stone”, but I feel like I have earned that delicious cup of coffee.

The delayed gratification of getting my caffeine drives me to complete the task I have “stacked” onto the habit of making coffee.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to give this fun little technique out.

I do it all the time now.

When I commute to work, I listen to an educational podcast.

When I ride my at-home bike, I “stack” watching tv or reading a medium article as well.

When I have a long phone conversation, I sketch a new art piece.

I think the trick is that it’s best to “stack” your new habit onto a habit that you consistently do without fail. The important ones.

It’s much more difficult to “stack” practicing a new language onto working out if you do not do either of those things regularly.

My advice is that you start with a habit that you know you have to perform.

These are habits such as:

  • Making breakfast (or coffee)
  • Getting into bed
  • Commuting to work
  • Walking to the grocery store

These are some activities most of us have to perform on a regular basis.

It’s a simple and fun technique that can help add new habits to your life and ultimately increase your level of productivity.

Why not give “Habit Stacking” a try this week?

What’s the worst that can happen?

Getting too much done?



August Rene Sage
August’s Growth Grimoire

A Queer Afro-Indo Caribbean visual artist living in San Francisco, CA. Lover of fantasy art/fiction, self-improvement, and financial freedom.