Building Something You Want

Abdur Chowdhury
Aura Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2016

Eric and I have been working together for over 15 years; from PhD’s, to AOL, to Summize, to Twitter, and now pushd Inc. We have spent most of that time building things we think others need, but now have the luxury to create a product for our families and selves. It all started a year and a half ago when Eric said, “I bought a digital picture frame for my mom and it sucked.” My response, “So did I, and it was horrible…but no way are we building hardware!”

Well, a year and a half later, we have built a beautiful picture frame that seamlessly gets the photos I take on my phone back into my life. Plus all the other cool stuff you’d expect modern technology to do and then just a bit more.

Meet Aura.

I get it digital picture frames are dead, uninteresting things that we all tried and left on the wayside with fax machines and 8-track tapes. But what if they weren’t? What if all those photos you take no longer sit in that black hole we call “Camera Roll” and magically appeared in your home, making you smile everyday? What if your daughter’s first day of school picture just appeared in your parents’ home? Everyday I come home to amazing memories of my family and it brings me joy, I hope it does for you as well.

Oh and one more thing. We raised some money. $6 million Series A, led by Spark Capital. We are super excited to have Kevin Thau from Spark joining our Board. I have long been a fan of Spark after meeting Bijan many many years ago and thrilled to be working with their firm.

If you want one please visit and subscribe to be notified when we launch, don’t worry it’s very soon.


Meet Aura



Abdur Chowdhury
Aura Blog

Now: @aura_frames, @DeepFlightOcean, @altavistaschool, Past: Chief Scientist @Twitter, co-founder @Summize, Chief Architect @AOL