Play & Earn with Frontyard Baseball: The Ultimate NFT 9v9 Strategy Game

Get ready to step up to the plate with “Frontyard Baseball,” the latest craze in play-to-earn games.

Aura NFT
3 min readJan 10, 2024


Frontyard Baseball isn’t just any baseball game; it’s a 9v9 strategy fest where you own your player and earn ETH by hitting home runs. Sounds cool, right?

With a mint price of just 0.02 ETH, you can grab one of the 25,000 unique Frontyard Kids on the Polygon blockchain. Each kid is a one-of-a-kind NFT with stats that’ll blow your mind. And the best part? You’re not just playing; you’re making a difference, with a chunk of the mint going to youth sport charities. So, let’s hit it out of the park with Frontyard Baseball!

What’s the Gameplay Like?

Now it’s time to get your game on! Frontyard Baseball is all about teaming up in a 9v9 format. Choose your kid, level them up, and start racking up those wins to earn ETH and $BSBL tokens.

Whether you’re in it for the thrill of the Home Run Derby or the competitive spirit of the 9v9, this game’s got something for everyone. And hey, the more you play, the better you’ll know your player’s strengths and weaknesses — a real game-changer in those high-stakes matches!

Talking about the types of game modes in Frontyard Baseball. Here they are:

1) 9V9

2) Grudge Match

3) Home Run Derby

4) Frontyard Neighbourhood.

So, let’s look at most primary game mode in the Frontyard Baseball.

🏅 9V9

9v9 is where it’s at! Team up with other players, each with their unique Frontyard Kid, and face off in a strategic showdown. Don’t sweat it if you’re new — the game matches you with players of a similar skill level. Play smart, and you might just be one of the top contributors earning extra ETH on top of your win!

⚾ Game Assets — The Kids

Meet the stars of the show — the Frontyard Kids! Frontyard Baseball is composed of 25,000 randomly generated NFTs portraying kids united by their love of baseball. These aren’t just any NFTs; they’re mini legends in the making, each with a unique backstory and skill set. Collecting these kids is half the fun, and who knows, you might just snag a rare gem!

The Frontyard Kids have four creeds:

  • They Respect All
  • They Overcome
  • They Grow Together
  • They Will Always Do Their Best

How Can You Strategise Efficiently?

Dive into the strategy interface with at least one NFT in hand. It’s a control panel where you can shape your game plan and analyze how your past moves played out. Remember, every kid can play any position, but it’s your job to find where they shine!

Here’s where your strategic skills need to kick in. You’ve got two main strategy areas: Positioning and Field Play. It’s all about playing to your kid’s strengths and making those critical game-time decisions. Strategy is key, so put on your thinking cap!


Say hello to $BSBL tokens, the heart of Frontyard Baseball’s economy. Earn them by playing and use them to boost your game. We’re keeping an eye on the token flow to ensure a healthy, thriving game economy.

How to Purchase Frontyard Baseball NFTs From Aura NFT Marketplace?

You can secure your Frontyard Baseball NFT safely from Aura NFT Marketplace, your ultimate Web3 gaming destination, by connecting your Web3 wallet, choosing a Frontyard Baseball NFT and making a purchase.

So, what’s the verdict? Frontyard Baseball is more than just a game — it’s a community, a strategy playground and a chance to own a piece of the crypto baseball world. Whether you’re in it for the love of the game or the thrill of earning crypto, there’s a place for you here.

Let’s play ball, crypto style! 🔥🔥

