Aureal: Lets talk Blockchain

Shubham Upadhye
2 min readJul 21, 2020


The world is moving forward with technology and so, are we?. You might know the guy who started podcasting for the first time, Adam Curry and the infamous blunder on the Apple Keynote.

The extempore, originality, and free speech.

Yes, podcasting. Something which can be an extempore and the originality of the content in your podcasts which shares a different perspective or share a fact or some knowledge which might change one simple life forever. You’ve all listened to podcast once in a while.

But these ideas contain value and a lot of effort is put in, to make sure that these ideas reach your audience. But do you get the value of your work?

Your voice is worth Something.

Technical Jargon Alert!

We started this initiative to introduce blockchain mainstream into the world of podcasting, suddenly it became clear to us that your voice along with your ideas are your intellectual property. That’s when we started implementing the proof of Brain Protocol powered by Hive Blockchain.

Hive provided us with a scalable blockchain for publicly accessible and immutable content, along with fast and fee-less digital tokens which enabled people to earn tokens by using their brain and its the same reason why the protocol is called as Proof of Brain.

In simple terms your content will be registered on the blockchain and you’ll be earning tokens when your audience likes your content, and at this point you don’t have to run for sponsorships and you monetise your content through Hive Blockchain.

Remember when people couldn’t understand internet? Now it has changed the world forever. Similarly, Blockchain now, is what internet was when it came into existence.

With Blockchain in this industry, Podcasting will never be the same, only more efficient and easier than ever. So let your ideas go crazy because the world is ready to hear your voice. Let your voice be heard.

and meanwhile visit us on to know about the Aureal. and Don’t forget to join us on discord, If you’re reading this, we need people like you to make our community evolve with your ideas.

We’ll unveil the secrets of blockchain and podcasting together.

Join us on Discord.

Happy Podcasting! :)

