Aurigami Risk Management Dashboard

Aurigami Finance
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2022

Just a few weeks ago, we announced our engagement with RiskDAO to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Aurigami’s risk parameters.

Transparency is a cornerstone of blockchain ethos, and we strongly advocate for this to be the norm within the space. Couple this with our obsession with proper risk management and this is what you get — free public access to our Risk Management Dashboard!

RiskDAO adopts a novel, rigorous assessment framework approach in their analysis, the results of which are all distilled into this brilliant Dashboard.

Let’s see what it has to offer!

🟢 System Status

A quick summary of Aurigami’s overall system health.

The current stats show that Aurigami has $0 value at risk even under the most stressful of scenarios — also known as RiskDAO’s Worst Day Simulation.

On the right, you can also see the total amount that would be liquidated in a Worst Day Simulation.

🟢 Overview

One-glance overview of Aurigami’s system parameters, including Total Supply and Total Debt broken down into individual assets, as well as the consolidated figures of the Top Users.

🟢 Asset Distribution

A comprehensive view of the main statistics for assets supported on Aurigami, including ETH, WNEAR, WBTC, USDT, STNEAR and USDC.

Clicking on each row will open a graph describing the expected liquidations according to price changes of the base asset.

For instance, the graph shows that a rise in ETH price will not trigger any liquidations on the platform (assuming ETH is a debt asset), at least no until it reaches the $2,730 mark, which is when $910k worth of assets is expected to be liquidated, ceterus paribus.

That’s not all that the Risk Management Dashboard has to offer!

For those risk-stats nerds (like us!) who are hungry for more, you can toggle on the “Pro Mode” to check out even more cool stuff.

🟢 Collateral Factors

Worst Day Scenario
Current Usage
Existing Caps

This section compares the Recommended (and Current) Collateral Factors for each asset under 3 different scenarios — Worst Day Simulation, Current Usage and Existing Caps.

The Worst Day Simulation for instance shows that even on the worst day price-drop in ETH history, Aurigami will still have $0 Bad Debt. The Max Collateral Factor columns shows the various collateral factor thresholds for each asset needed to maintain this.

🟢 Risk Parameters Sandbox

Exactly what it sounds like — this puts you in charge Aurigami’s system parameters! Think of it as a Risk Management playground 🎈 for you to test out different supply and borrow caps.

For each setting, the tool will compute and display the optimal collateral factors recommended for each asset.

🟢 Open Liquidations

Displays the latest Total Open Liquidations value

🟢 Oracle Deviation

An important real-time tool for us to monitor our oracle health, and quickly detect any critical deviations from the oracle price feed based on the prices sourced from Centralized Exchanges (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX).

🟢 DEX Liquidity

USDC DEX Liquidity

A list of tables powered by KyberSwap that monitor our assets’ on-chain DEX liquidity, including USDC, USDT, WBTC, ETH, stNEAR, and WNEAR.

For every asset, the maximum single-transaction liquidation size is shown, as well as the stats of their LP Pairs.

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again — risk management and security are the highest priorities for Aurigami 🔒

The Risk Management Dashboard, on top of all the many other watchdog tools and contingency plans at our disposal, are essential for us to establish active vigilance and proactive precaution — a journey that we are excited to share with all of you.

