Aurora Airdrop Complete. Tokens Unlock Today! (Jan 17, 2018)

Forrest Whaling
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2018

Thank you to all those who participated in our membership sale! It was a massive success as we reached our hard cap well before our end date. The sale earned over $6M in revenue allowing us to accelerate the development and growth of both IDEX and future Aurora projects such as our boreal stable coin and the Decentralized Capital banking system.

Token Airdrop Complete

All IDXM (formerly DVIP) membership token holders have received their AURA token drop in the same wallet holding IDXM. Both tokens will unlock at 5PM Pacific time and be immediately tradable on IDEX!

***Please note that we swapped DVIP with a new asset IDXM (“IDEX Membership”); this was done for various reasons including branding consistency. All membership benefits, such as reduced trading fees, increased market making rewards, and free AURA airdrop, remain completely unchanged. The DVIP in your wallet are locked forever and can be considered a badge of honor for participating in our sale!

Tokens Details

Here are the token details to get your AURA and IDXM tokens to show up in MEW, MetaMask, or other wallets:


  • Symbol: IDXM (IDEX Membership Token)
  • Token Address: 0xcc13fc627effd6e35d2d2706ea3c4d7396c610ea
  • Precision: 8
  • Trading link


  • Symbol: AURA (AuroraDAO)
  • Token Address: 0xcdcfc0f66c522fd086a1b725ea3c0eeb9f9e8814
  • Precision: 18
  • Trading link

All token balances are currently shown on IDEX. If you wish to see your balances on Myetherwallet, follow these instructions.



Forrest Whaling
Writer for

Building liquid cryptocurrency markets at Liquid Malta. Former Head of Marketing at IDEX.