IDEX Launches USD//Coin (USDC) and TrueUSD (TUSD) Stablecoin Trading Pairs

Forrest Whaling
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2018

We are happy to announce the addition of Circle’s USD//Coin (USDC) and TrustToken’s TrueUSD (TUSD) stablecoin trading pairs to IDEX! Supported trading pairs currently include:



What is USD//Coin (USDC)?

Pegged to the US Dollar (USD), Circle’s USDC is a fully-collateralized stablecoin that provides detailed financial and operational transparency, strictly operating within the regulated framework of US money transmission laws. It is the first fiat stablecoin developed by CENTRE — an open source project and membership organization, with Circle being the first of several members to launch USDC issuance.

What is TrueUSD (TUSD)?

TrustToken’s TrueUSD is another stablecoin asset pegged to the US Dollar. TUSD offers token-holders full collateral, regular attestations of escrowed balances, and legal protections against misappropriation of underlying USD.

“We are excited to offer Circle’s USDC and TrustToken’s TUSD as a base currencies on IDEX. This not only provides users more streamlined fiat on-ramps, but also the ability to exercise a brand new set of trading strategies that avoid the volatility inherent to ETH and similar digital assets.” — Alex Wearn, CEO

IDEX will continue to explore adding more stablecoin base currencies in the near future. Happy trading!

~The Aurora (IDEX) Team

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Forrest Whaling
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Building liquid cryptocurrency markets at Liquid Malta. Former Head of Marketing at IDEX.