Memecoin Trend — Changing The Web3 Narrative

Time to hear some Rags to Riches stories

Aurora India
Aurora Platform
3 min readMay 12, 2023


Image Source — Aurora India


In recent years, a new type of cryptocurrency has emerged: the memecoin. These are cryptocurrencies that are based on internet memes and often have a humorous or ironic tone. Despite their seemingly frivolous nature, memecoins have become increasingly popular among cryptocurrency investors, and their rise has been a fascinating trend to watch.

The Origins of Memecoin

The first and most famous memecoin is, of course, Dogecoin. Created in 2013 by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, Dogecoin was meant to be a joke based on the popular “Doge” internet meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog. Despite its origins as a parody, Dogecoin quickly gained a following and became one of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market.

The Rise of Memecoin

Dogecoin’s success has inspired a wave of imitators and competitors. Memecoins like Shiba Inu (SHIB), SafeMoon (SAFEMOON), and Floki Inu (FLOKI) have all gained significant followings in recent months. Like Dogecoin, these memecoins often have cute or funny animal mascots and rely on social media hype and celebrity endorsements to generate interest.

Here are a few recent notable #Memecoin trends:-

  • PEPE — $PEPE is a memecoin that is based on the popular internet meme character Pepe the Frog. Like other memecoins, $PEPE has gained a following through social media hype and celebrity endorsements, and it has seen a significant surge in value in recent weeks.
  • Turbo — $TURBO took over the internet like #PEPE. The token was created in 40 minutes using ChatGPT.

The Narrative Behind Memecoin

The narrative behind memecoins is one of rebellion against the traditional financial system. Many investors see them as a way to stick it to the banks and Wall Street insiders who they believe have rigged the system against them. They are often associated with the “little guy” or the underdog, and their rise has been seen by some as a way to disrupt the traditional power structures of finance.

The Potential for Massive Returns

Another key narrative is their potential for massive returns. Many investors see them as a way to get rich quickly, and the rapid rise of memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu has only fueled this speculation. However, this focus on short-term gains can also be a double-edged sword, as memecoins are notoriously volatile and can crash just as quickly as they rise.

Debate on the Value of Cryptocurrency

The rise of memecoins has also sparked a debate about the value of cryptocurrency more generally. While some see coins as a sign of the democratization of finance, others see them as evidence of a speculative bubble that is bound to burst. The high-profile involvement of celebrities like Elon Musk has only added to the hype, with some accusing him of manipulating the market for his own gain.

The Future of Memecoin

Despite these concerns, memecoins continue to be a hot topic in the cryptocurrency world. They represent a new frontier in the ongoing battle between centralized and decentralized finance, and their popularity shows no signs of slowing down. Some investors believe that memecoins are the future of cryptocurrency, while others see them as a passing fad.


So, what’s next for memecoins? It’s hard to say. While some memecoins have achieved mainstream success, others have struggled to gain traction beyond their initial hype. Though the hype is massive, there’s no utility behind the project, so it is a very high Risk-Reward ratio.

Also, the market participants need to be aware of holders of Memecoins as they can exit with the whole liquidity in a second.

Whether memecoins will continue to be a trend or evolve into a new form of cryptocurrency altogether remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure: the world of memecoins is an exciting and unpredictable one.

Ps: The end of Meme season indicates the start of an Altcoin season 😉

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