Mental Illness Is Not Contagious: You Can’t Catch It By Being Kind

The Listening Space
Aurora TLS
Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2020

KIND. A simple four-letter word with a simple definition that might have diversified perspectives. For some, being kind might mean helping a senior citizen, with restricted limb movements, to cross a road while others might prefer to express it by sharing the mundane daily chores of a person once in a while. Whatever the way of showcasing is, the concept behind “Being Kind” remains indistinguishable.

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. As simple as the definition may sound, embodying it into one’s identity and practicing it on a day-to-day basis can be tremendously influential and bring about optimistic change not only in you but others around you too. The simplest acts of benevolence can make the world a much delightful place to live in. Kindness can be the easiest part of our life. Anyone can be kind, and there is no justification not to be. Whether you tell your buddy you like her company or buy lunch for a person who might be less fortunate; kindness should be in everybody’s lives. The strength of the heart can change the world.

“Kill them with kindness” is a very well-known excerpt. We all refer to it in our customary lives. There is absolutely no reason to have drama with anybody. If somebody chooses to dislike you, bully you, or be mean in general, be kind. If you behave kindly to people, they will treat you the same. Life is too short to hold grudges. Treat people with kindness and respect, and you will get the same in return.

One of my teachers once said, “God answers everybody’s prayers. So, if someone wants you to do something for them, do it because God might be answering their prayers through you!” That hit me hard because nobody in this broad cosmos can even imitate God, The Supreme, but one should at least try and perform actions that might satisfy their well-being. Something which might look small to us may be worth someone’s whole life or even vice versa. Kindness can make somebody’s 0/5 day, go to a 3/5 day just in one compliment. By spreading kindness, you are saving a person or multiple people from a terrible day, and who knows, you might get a nice compliment back as well!

However hard we try to put ourselves in somebody else’s shoes, we won’t even have the tiniest idea of what they are going through. So, the only alternative that is left to us to bring about the subtlest change is to introduce kindness towards ourselves, our friends, family, relatives, plants, animals, and even strangers. We all are living entities on this planet with plausible emotions and expressing kindness to each other will, in turn, help us live in peace, unity and have a positive aura around us.

Nowadays, studies have shown that most people undergo various forms of mental illness due to some unavoidable occurrences in their life. Some people have the proficiency to take things lightly and cope up with the dilemma while others do not.

Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in sentiment, understanding, or behavior. They are related to distress and problems functioning in social, work, or family activities. The good news is that it is treatable. The vast majority of individuals with mental illness continue to function in their daily lives. Many people who have a mental illness do not want to speak about it. But mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of!

But you know what the worst part is?

It is that people do not dare to freely discuss what they are suffering through and ask for comfort and support because apparently, they might be labeled as “Mentally Retarded” by society. So, rather than venting out their emotions and feelings to someone, they prefer keeping it boxed inside their heart which sometimes results in fatal events for which society is responsible.

Fatal Life-Threatening Events Just Because Of The Society.

Yes, read that once again.

So, what is society, and what makes a society?

People living together in a community are society, and it is made up of individuals like us. We make the society after all. We all share common interests then why not open up to each other and stop being judgmental about humanity. It is their life, and we have no right whatsoever to judge someone based on any hypothesis formed by an unforgiving public. Because trust me, no one wishes for any unfortunate inevitable changes in their lives.

A perfect society would consist of an atmosphere where acts of kindness were a regular part of everyone’s daily life. Not only does one experience a sensation of relief and joy, but the deed also affects the person whom the kindness was directed towards. A random act of kindness is a widely known subject. However, the consequences of the action are not as well known. In today’s society, amidst all of the cars, cellphones, money, jobs, new technology, etc. It becomes easier to be wrapped up or conceited with one’s self, forgetting about others. Kindness can bring a person out of this complacent stage. It starts by doing a selfless act, big or small, without wanting anything in return. There are a plethora of outcomes that come along with doing this specific task. It affects the presenter along with the receiver psychologically as well as physically.

Kindness also involves psychological aspects. One result when performing this task is it allows one to become happier. When focusing on another person, it diminishes feelings of loneliness or isolation and can also help to cope with depression. They can have significant effects on someone’s mood.

So next time do not miss the golden opportunity to encourage someone and make them smile by just being kind. You will feel good, and it will also brighten up your overall mood. In return, your attitude determines what the rest of the day will be like.

Thank you so much for staying with me till the end. You have just been kind!

~Submitted and written for Aurora TLS by Ankita Bose

