The Aurora Fellowship Program

Now is the time to start preparing for the future. And what’s the best way to prepare for it?

Chiara Castelli
2 min readJul 30, 2020


The world is evolving very quickly. This means we have to figure out now how to prepare for a future that’s impossible to predict.

We know that the skills of the future are likely to be:

  • Creativity, ability to imagine and invent;
  • Ability to manage doubt constructively;
  • Ability to solve conflicts quickly;
  • Empathy and spirit of collaboration;
  • Courage and decision-making.

And we know that they will be transversal, required and that it will be possible to spend them in every future working situation.

Now is the time to start preparing for the future. And what’s the best way to prepare for it?

Our Fellowship has clear objectives:

  • It promotes the 21st century organizational culture;
  • It trains Fellows to constantly cross their own limits;
  • It gives Fellows the opportunity to live transformative experiences;
  • It develops the potential of each Fellow, training transversal rather than specialist skills.

We work hard to achieve these results.

We want every Fellow to grow by participating actively in the Fellowship program; we want them to acquire awareness and to make indelible memories.

The Fellowship is like an incredible journey across the world.

We designed it with a destructured framework, while keeping a steady focus on our mission, thanks to a dedicated team.

It is essential for each Fellow:

  • To explore;
  • To observe and absorb everything that gravitates around him/her;
  • To be ready for an unpredictable and challenging future;
  • To conquer new mental spaces and to learn;
  • To be able to always balance challenges and skills.

To make this happen, during the 3-years-Fellowship, we give Fellows:

  • A Coaching program that assesses their progress quarterly, so as to always be in the flow, motivated and focused;
  • A network of international Wizards: professionals coming from every industry, precious guides and travel companions, who have different interests and aim to broaden the Fellows mental horizons;
  • Wizards interviews and webinars, precious moments of learning and exploration;
  • A 10.000€ grant that enables extraordinary, transformative and unconventional experiences, a fund to explore and to discover;
  • Significant experiences of volunteering: we encourage Fellows to generate concrete positive impact, by doing charity work for ONGs and associations (Fellows can work with minorities, children in hospital, in homeless shelters…)

If you are 20 or under the age of 20 and you want to start preparing for the future, then apply here!

Text by Sebastiano Afeltra — Translation by Chiara Castelli

