Who Are Aurora Wizards?

Wizards are titans who bring knowledge and wisdom.

Chiara Castelli
2 min readApr 27, 2020


AURORA Fellows are trained by the Wizards, who have the role of inspiring them and giving them new points of reference. During the three-year program Fellows connect with 200 Wizard, global leaders in their sector.

60% of Wizards come from industries of the future (those that will impact in 5–10 years): Brain Computer Interface, Smart Dust, Exoskeletons, Artificial Tissue, Autonomous Driving Level 5, Flying Autonomous Vehicles, Decentralized Web, Nanoscale 3D Printing…

The remaining 40% is divided between leaders of present industries: AI, Mixed Reality, 5G, Genomics, and technologies that will impact in 2–3 years, and professionals with strong soft skills, ranging from philosophers to managers (figures who solicit critical thinking, so as to guide the Fellows in the development and validation of hypotheses).

They have several tasks: first of all, to fully understand Aurora’s mission and to share its values; then to devote part of their precious time to build valuable relationships with Fellows, and to scouting brilliant young women and men.

Wizards dedicate 5 hours a year to the Aurora Fellows, in ten meetings of 30 minutes, at least.

When Wizards are with Fellows, they listen with great attention.

They welcome the enthusiasm and freshness of Fellows’ thoughts, make their own knowledge a heritage at Fellows disposal, so that they can keep learning new things and listen to disruptive ideas. And they debate, contributing to a path of mutual growth and experimentation, useful to broaden Fellows horizons.

Wizards do not bond to a single Fellow in a unique relationship, but they are available to everyone, establishing a calendar of their availability.

Wizard are a point of reference.

They understand Fellows passions and attitudes, sense their potential and guide them so that they can design concrete projects.

They are empathetic.

Observing and listening to Fellows ideas, Wizards also have the opportunity to look at the world from another point of view, enriching their own view.

They know that humility is one of the keys for every relationship. Indeed, despite being incredible professionals, they do not act as a guide to follow, but they stand alongside Fellows.

They are good travel partners, who sense where the path might end, but do not set limits on the way to go, nor indicate the route to be taken at any cost.

Generous in sharing their knowledge, altruistic in doing that with every Fellow.

Authentic and aware that the relationship between them is not a transfer of notions, but a path of growth, based on experience and exploration, to be transformed into skills and competences.

Wizards are the travel partners who hold Fellows backpack to relieve their fatigue.

Fill out this form if you want to recommend a Wizard.

Apply if you want to become a Wizard!

Text by Sebastiano Afeltra — Translation by Chiara Castelli

