Medium just became the best SEO platform of all-time

Austen Allred
Austen Allred’s Blog
2 min readSep 8, 2016


I’m not sure if anyone has put this together yet, but I’m pretty convinced Medium just became the world’s best platform for SEO, opening up a huge loophole for generating backlinks.

Content Management System 2.0

For a long time most of the web was dominated by Wordpress — most of the Internet, as a matter of fact, is made up out of Wordpress sites.

But now, with Medium becoming the new dominant CMS (at least the most important one, if not the most popular), its “publications” feature became the best and easiest way to get new links.

A Linked CMS

The difference between Medium and most other platforms is that it’s all networked. You can flow from story to story with little effort.

This is great for readers, but it sets an important stage for what we’re going to talk about next — Medium publications.

Medium Publications

Publications is perhaps my favorite feature of Medium — they allow you to write something and submit it to a publication with one click, once you’ve been given authorization.

Now here’s why that’s important: In the past if you wanted a link from an authoritative site you had to go to the site, find the contact info, reach out and offer to write something for them.

No longer.

You can simply write something authoritative and helpful, and attempt to submit it to an open publication.

But aren’t all those just Medium links?

No. Because publications can be hosted on domains, if your content is accepted on a publication, you’ll get a link from that domain. Get a post accepted by the Midcentury Modern publication? You just got a dofollow link from

In fact there are convenient lists of publications that use their own domain on Medium (this publication is one of them).

Linking from your Profile

Even better, every time you write an article your profile shows up at the top.

It may not be the most contextual link ever, but if you include a link in your Medium profile it is converted into HTML. It doesn’t even have to be worked into the text of the article.

See my profile for an example.

Bullish on Medium

I recently moved my personal domain to Medium, mostly because it’s an enjoyable place to publish, but I’m entirely sure that this is only the beginning.

And I’m looking forward to ranking as a result of all those links.



Austen Allred
Austen Allred’s Blog

Co-founder of Lambda School — a CS education that’s free until you’re hired