Yellow Bike Hosting Experienced Mechanic Shops on Mondays in September for Harvey Efforts

New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike
2 min readSep 6, 2017

Okay, I know, that’s quite the mouthful of a headline, but that’s what you get today. It’s straightforward and says what I want to say:

I am going to be helping host Monday nights this month at the Yellow Bike Project in a concerted effort to build as many bikes as possible for Harvey-related efforts. This won’t be your average YBP shop, where we take either everyone (open shops) or any volunteers — instead, we are looking for experienced bike mechanics to crank out some bikes. No, you don’t have to have bottom bracket widths memorized or be able to immediately dive into a dissertation about derailleur differences, but general knowledge of brakes, bearing systems, shifting, etc is generally required. Those of you who may be a little less hands-on but still familiar can also help with either shop organization, parts-picking for those busy at work, or just helping to clean up, but….we really need wrenches on bikes.

SO, we are looking for:

Experienced bicycle mechanics to build bikes
Bicycle donations
Monetary donations

And I think that’s it, really.

The shops will be held every Monday night through October 2nd (at this point) from 6–10pm.

Also, if you’d like, we can make this thing a potluck each week, though there can be no leftovers.



New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike

Just a dude who likes to ride a bike and walk places. Human associate and charioteer of Mabel the dog. Hit me up at