A New Adventure

Austin Weaver
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2017

Over two years ago, I made a declaration on my Facebook page that I had decided exactly what I wanted to do with my professional life. At the time I’m sure many people rolled their eyes as this wasn’t the first time that I had made such a proclamation.

As I am about to cross that halfway mark in pursuit of both my law degree and MBA from Iowa, that declaration still stands true.

In the past two years, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to help build Front Office Sports into the resource that it is today. As FOS continues to grow, I have had several opportunities to connect individuals that eventually led to an internship or job offer. Helping others find success or helping them through the struggles of landing their next opportunity is something I have come to enjoy, obviously the successes more than the struggles.

Between finding immense satisfaction in helping others work towards their dreams and the aforementioned Facebook post, I started doing research into how I could start working on building out an opportunity to be my own boss and continue to pursue the opportunity to help others using my educational background. That search didn’t take me very far, as I simply had to look at what programs were available on campus here at Iowa.

A banner on the top of the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center website promoted a summer Student Accelerator program. After reading about what the program had to offer, it was clear that it was the right opportunity for the vision I had in my mind.

After being invited to pitch my idea as a semi-finalist, I was cautiously optimistic at my chances of being invited into the program.

Anytime an email starts with “Congratulations!”, you have to feel pretty good, but this was a weight that I had been carrying around for two years as I tried to figure out how I was ever going to get to this point.

I am beyond excited and extremely grateful that once again, the University of Iowa has shown confidence in me and my future, and is willing to help me reach that potential.

I can’t wait to get started and will share more information about this new adventure in the coming months.

