Erin Brockovich Asks Govt To Take Action On PFAS Contamination In Australia

Pallav Kaushish
Australia News
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2019

American activist Erin Brockovich is on a speaking tour in Australia to warn governments at all levels to prevent the spread of PFAS contamination across numerous sites in Australia.

ABC News obtained a list of over 60 contaminated sites in Queensland alone which includes 26 fire stations, 8 current or former defence sites, 6 airports, 4 ports, 3 town water supplies and several waste facilities.

Some locations on the list have received media coverage but several others have had little to no coverage at all.

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Pallav Kaushish
Australia News

Full-stack marketer, journalist, and a psychology aficionado. Founder of and Former Head of Marketing at Inc42 Media.