Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Over 90% Effective

Louis O’Neill
Published in
Nov 10, 2020


The Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer released groundbreaking news that its potential COVID-19 vaccine could be over 90 percent effective in preventing people from contracting the novel coronavirus.

The company’s recent results show no serious health or safety concerns, which could be revolutionary in bringing about a post-COVID-19 world.

Currently, over 51 million people have contracted COVID-19, and over 1.2 million people have died as a result of the virus.

Pfizer’s vaccine is currently one of eleven that are in phase 3 clinical trials, though Pfizer states that its vaccine is showing an effectiveness rate above 90%, as was demonstrated via the 44,000 volunteers that participated in the study.

What this means, is that if ten people are vaccinated using Pfizer’s vaccine, 9 of them should become immune to the novel coronavirus.

Pfizer is part of an existing agreement with the Australian Government to purchase 50 million COVID-19 vaccines, should the trials prove to be successful.

According to Nature, Pfizer’s vaccine “consists of molecular instructions — in the form of messenger RNA (mRNA) — for human cells to make the coronavirus’ spike protein, the immune systems’ key target for coronaviruses.”

Pfizer’s CEO called the vaccine announcement “a great day for science and humanity,” which provides “initial evidence of our vaccine’s ability to prevent Covid-19.”

“We look forward to sharing additional efficacy and safety data generated from thousands of participants in the coming weeks,” concluded the CEO.



Louis O’Neill

Hello! My name is Louis. I write about the growing cannabis industry, politics, religion, and philosophy. Co-founder of