Travel — What’s the fascination?

Lia Muniz
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018
For me it’s not just about the destination but it’s also about the journey.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, your age, your circumstances- when we hear the word ‘Travel’ everyone has their take on it.

It’s always a topic of discussion at dinner parties or in the workplace. It’s the advertisements enticing us on a daily basis and those tropical images that we conjure up in our minds that make up our innermost dreams.

Travel has become part of our day to day lives. We are now travelling for leisure, for work, for education and for love.

Is it the quest for knowledge, the path to self-discovery, the chance to escape the humdrum of our lives that we hate or the desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves and what we know…?

And what is it that has made travel be at the forefront of our imagination since the beginning of time and continues to envelope our lives?

The only difference is in the mode and speed with which we nowadays explore. The adventures that used to take us by bus or train ride away have now developed into a network of aviation travel. We are now stretching to all corners of the Earth in record time to leave our global mark on this planet.

Yet the question still exists- what are we searching for? What’s the fascination? Why do we travel?

I can’t answer for anyone else but for me personally travel is my life and part of how I identify myself.

My childhood was a nomadic affair, moving from country to country. As much as I hated that I was the ‘new kid’ in each place, always being ‘different’ and the endless packing and unpacking- travel is what has made me appreciate our differences, embrace the uniqueness of each culture, and given me that ‘zest for life’!

So, I guess the life of a Flight Attendant and World Traveller is the perfect fit for me. I travel for work, for leisure, for education and purely for the love of travel. This is what I have done for many years and continue to love.

For most people their holiday starts when they arrive at their destination but for me that’s just part of it.

It’s the whole package.

I love the thrill of planning my next trip, choosing my next destination. I love the atmosphere of the airport where everyone is on the move, heading somewhere, for some reason, each person with their own special story.

And as the plane takes-off, I love that sense of freedom as we soar into the air, breaking through the clouds to expose the sky and sun rays all around.

I love the peace and calm of watching the clouds drifting past you below.

Then as you near your destination you look down at the horizon and see the most amazing colours of a sunset that feels like it was created just for you.

Last week’s tropical Hawaiian sunset

Most of all I love getting to my tropical destination (as I’m always chasing the sun) and head straight for the beach to feel the sun’s warmth on my skin.

For me it’s not just about the destination but it’s also about the journey.

Whether it’s a tropical getaway, a winter wonderland, trekking adventure or a yoga retreat- whether it’s somewhere near or far, travel means something different to each of us and it’s these differences that we should celebrate.

You see just like the wonders of social media, modern day travel has brought the world and its occupants so much closer than ever before.

I know that people travel for so many reasons and it’s not always exciting but travel continues to educate me, push my limits, cherish the moment and inspires me to be the best I can be in this life.

What does travel do for you?

I love everything about this crazy and fascinating industry and I would love to hear your thoughts on travel.

So tonight go home, get cosy and start planning your next adventure, wherever it might be.

If you liked this post, clap and comment. I’d love to hear from you.

Enjoy your travels!




Lia Muniz

Travel - Inspiration - Yoga… I am a Private Jet Flight Attendant, World Traveler and Yoga Lover. 'Make the Most of your Journey'.