50 Shades of Chai (Set 2)

Authentic Chai
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2016

We’ve got more recipes.

We’ve been gathering more chai recipes. In case you missed it, here are recipes from the founders of Chime.

Do you have a recipe you are proud of? We’d love to showcase it our Medium blog and test yours in our kitchen on our Chime prototype. Leave us a comment!

Shaherose Charania’s chai recipe (makes 1 cup (12 oz)):

Shaherose has been advising Chime on Marketing Strategy and here is her chai story and recipe:

“I grew up in a household where chai was a part of the morning ritual — simply: black tea, sugar and milk (specifically Carnation Evaporated Milk) . As a child, my lazy Sunday was marked by a big cup of chai, with Khari Biscuits dunked, like soaked, really soaked in, while I watched Sunday morning cartoons. I would shove 3 Khari biscuits in my cup at a time and wait. Soaked enough? Time to consume my Khari-chai-soaked biscuits with a spoon!

When my mom made Masala chai, with cardamom and cloves, it was because we had guests visiting. This was special. I can still remember the smell of her chai, it always brings back memories of guests hanging out in our living room.

I got into making my version of chai after a visit to Delhi and Karachi with my Father in 2008 -perhaps inspired by my growing interest in connecting with my family’s culture.

I brought home fresh tea from my trip and yes, I’ve had countless boil-overs and set off the fire alarm in my building, multiple times. I’ve fully burned 3 pots to their core…and counting. I can’t wait to get a Chime in my kitchen, simply for safety reasons =)

I’ve been evolving my recipe over the years. I’ve also been learning some tricks from Gaurav and Samip that I’m adopting — they are THE chai gurus!

I am lactose intolerant. I need to be creative when making chai. I’ve tried Almond Milk and Flax Milk. Soy and Macadamia Milk tend to work quite well. I recently switched over to raw coconut sugar from honey. While I don’t want to admit it, living in San Francisco for 11 years has rubbed off on me. I certainly have some hipster-tendencies in my chai making.” — Shaherose Charania


  • 1/2 cup of Organic Macadamia Nut Milk
  • Splash of Organic Soy Milk Creamer
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 heaping tablespoon Raw Coconut Sugar (it’s not sweet so don’t worry)
  • 1 teaspoon Tea India tea (mamri)
  • 3 cracked cardamom
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh, crushed ginger
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 5 whole cloves


Bring the macadamia nut milk and sugar to a boil. In a separate pot boil water and tea and all spices. Bring to a simmer boil for about 1 minute. Combine the milk mixture into the pot of tea, water and spices. Simmer 1 more minute. Strain and enjoy.

Niyati Chhabra’s Chai Recipe (makes 1 cup, 12 oz)):

Niyati is the photo-taking-ninja behind all of Chime’s photos! Here is her recipe, which is described more so like an art form below:

“Chai has been my daily friend at breakfast. Nothing but a soothing cuppa tea helps me start my day. Growing up I learnt this recipe from my mom and she said it was my grandma’s favorite. My mom always has a little jar of homemade masala for her tea which includes ground cloves, dried ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, dried lemongrass, pepper, tulsi and sugar. As she brings her water to boil, she adds this masala and tea leaves. After the water turns a little dark brown, she adds milk. She never measures anything, it is always an estimate and everyday it tastes the same. My perfect tea.

I wondered how she did that, but as I started making my own perfect cuppa over the years, I realized I inherited it from her. Every time I go back home to India, I make sure to get a jar of my mom’s homemade masala.

In India, you don’t need a reason to make tea. Its an everyday ritual. if you have guests over, you offer them tea first and thats the way of welcoming someone to your house. It is kind of a staple beverage. Indians love to have a cuppa tea anytime of the day. Before food, after food, sometimes at nights with long conversations. It brings people together. Locals in Western India especially my hometown have a common lingo for tea. Its called a “cutting”. Its almost like a piping hot shot of well brewed tea which is usually very cheap and gives you a much needed break from your work. A dose of cutting chai and you feel energized and get back to work.

There is diversity in everything in India, and tea is no exception. People have their favorites and it usually depends on their mood. My personal favorite is Irani chai (Parsi culture) which has a little extra dollop of condensed milk.

Over the years I have always depended on chai to make that first conversation with someone, give me that well deserve break and while doing so developed a passion for it. I cannot imagine my morning now without having that perfect cup of tea.” — Niyati Chhabra



Authentic Chai

The first connected device for chai. Masala meets machine...Cardamom meets computer. Reserve for $25 before June 20th www.brewchime.com #authenticchai