Georgian Safari Perfection — a look inside Vashlovani Protected Area!

Natia Pashurishvili
Authentic Georgia
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2017
© Tinatin Ididze

Vashlovani Protected Area, called as “Georgian Safari” is definitely one of the most beautiful places you might hope to see in Georgia.

There is something haunting and really mystical about being in this place and you can’t realize it until the WiFi signal is miles behind you… Mystic valleys, alongside the wide open spaces, the wide open stunningly beautiful views, old dusty roads, old folks, shepherds dogs, sound of the horse’s hooves.

© Green Zebra

Vashlovani Protected Areas are located in the extreme southeastern part of Georgia on the Iori upland in Kakheti region and includes Vashlovani Nature Reserve, National Park and 3 Natural Monuments —Eagle Gorge, Alazani floodplain forest (Kaklis kure) and Takhti-Tepa Mud Volcanoes.

© Tinatin Ididze

Main activities: Adventure; Bird watching (April / October / November), Flower watching (Blooming period of endemic plants April — second half of May), fishing, photographing, camping, horseback riding, paths are well marked and well-arranged..

© Nika Paposhvili

Truly there is nothing more peaceful than spending nights under the stars or watching the sunrise. The quiet and peaceful serenity you will find here is difficult to match anywhere else. And now I am just scrolling up and down the pictures, taken in Vashlovani and listening to Dead Can Dance’s songs “Black Opium”, because a song can instantly can take you back to the moment…

“All roads look the same, they lead nowhere, they lead nowhere”…

© Tinatin Ididze
© Irma Laghadze
© Irma Laghadze

Please note that it is necessary to check-in in Visitors center before visiting the national park. Please have an identity card with you.m



Natia Pashurishvili
Authentic Georgia

🌍 Entrepreneur, freelance copywriter, adventure seeker, red wine lover 🍷😊