Changing Your Relationship With Change

Shilpa Manari
Authentic Living
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2020
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Change is the most natural phenomenon of existence. Evolution is gradual change over time, nature as we experience it is in a constant state of change, seasonal weather is change, cycle from birth to death is change, aging is a form of change, growth is change.

As you can see everything around us including ourselves is in a constant state of change. In nature, it is harmonious and resistance-free which makes it beautiful.

The changing of weather feels like magic because there is acceptance, we welcome the change and often celebrate it. This acceptance allows change to happen with ease, comfort and it brings a lot of joy.

“Change is not hard or difficult. It is our resistance to change that makes it so.”

Yet, we have given the concept of change a bad reputation, we say it is challenging/hard. In reality, we are making it hard because we are constantly resisting the shifts thereby adding additional pressure which translates into pain and requires far greater effort to move forward.

Instead, accept change, welcome it and befriend it. Change is inevitable so why not embrace it and enjoy the process.

Currently we are wired to see change as a threat. During change, there is uncertainty, and that most often throws people off their bearing. We need to consciously reprogramme our brain to see change as an opportunity, something to be excited about and to look forward to. We need to rewire our minds to believe that change is good, uncertainty is safe and not a threat.

Start small, with everyday activities.

  • Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth or to do simple chores, get comfortable with going against the usual automated actions.
  • Take a different route to your workplace. Mix it up, get comfortable with a bit of chaos.
  • Introduce yourself to new cuisines and cultures. Pick up a new hobby or a workout routine. Volunteer yourself to have new experiences.
  • At least once a week do something that requires you to step out of your comfort zone, strike up a conversation with a stranger, learn a new language, and actively speak it.

Dedicate a few minutes every day to reflect on things that you did differently and how that made you feel, celebrate the small wins. Become aware of the thoughts that are brought in resistance, acknowledge it, and release it. Check to see if they are valid or whether it is a perception you have been holding onto. Acknowledge to yourself that you are safe and that change is a very natural part of life, something that improves your quality of life.

As you engage your change muscles on a daily basis, you will get comfortable with change overall and rebuild a new relationship with it that can be priceless when you need to take massive action and decisions towards the unknown.

Change is synonymous with growth and transformation. Embrace change to embrace growth.



Shilpa Manari
Authentic Living

Entrepreneur I Coach I Artist | Changer Maker I Student of Life